By Mike Scott
Machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence are common terms in modern technology. These terms are often used interchangeably but incorrectly, which is understandable.
After all, hundreds of millions of people use the advantages of digital technologies. Yet only a small percentage of those users are experts in the field.
AI, data science, and machine learning represent valuable assets that can be used to great advantage in various industries. However, to use these tools properly, you need to understand what they are. Furthermore, knowing the difference between data science and machine learning, as well as how AI differs from both, can dispel the common misconceptions about these technologies.
Read on to gain a better understanding of the three crucial tech concepts.
Data science can be viewed as the foundation of many modern technological solutions. It’s also the stage from which existing solutions can progress and evolve. Let’s define data science in more detail.
A scientific discipline with practical applications, data science represents a field of study dedicated to the development of data systems. If this definition sounds too broad, that’s because data science is a broad field by its nature.
Data structure is the primary concern of data science. To produce clean data and conduct analysis, scientists use a range of methods and tools, from manual to automated solutions.
Data science has another crucial task: defining problems that previously didn’t exist or slipped by unnoticed. Through this activity, data scientists can help predict unforeseen issues, improve existing digital tools, and promote the development of new ones.
Breaking down data science into key components, we get to three essential factors:
Data collection is pretty much what it sounds like – gathering of data. This aspect of data science also includes preprocessing, which is essentially preparation of raw data for further processing.
During data analysis, data scientists draw conclusions based on the gathered data. They search the data for patterns and potential flaws. The scientists do this to determine weak points and system deficiencies. In data visualization, scientists aim to communicate the conclusions of their investigation through graphics, charts, bullet points, and maps.
Finally, predictive modeling represents one of the ultimate uses of the analyzed data. Here, create models that can help them predict future trends. This component also illustrates the differentiation between data science vs. machine learning. Machine learning is often used in predictive modeling as a tool within the broader field of data science.
Data science finds uses in marketing, banking, finance, logistics, HR, and trading, to name a few. Financial institutions and businesses take advantage of data science to assess and manage risks. The powerful assistance of data science often helps these organizations gain the upper hand in the market.
In marketing, data science can provide valuable information about customers, help marketing departments organize, and launch effective targeted campaigns. When it comes to human resources, extensive data gathering, and analysis allow HR departments to single out the best available talent and create accurate employee performance projections.
The term “artificial intelligence” has been somewhat warped by popular culture. Despite the varying interpretations, AI is a concrete technology with a clear definition and purpose, as well as numerous applications.
Artificial intelligence is sometimes called machine intelligence. In its essence, AI represents a machine simulation of human learning and decision-making processes.
AI gives machines the function of empirical learning, i.e., using experiences and observations to gain new knowledge. However, machines can’t acquire new experiences independently. They need to be fed relevant data for the AI process to work.
Furthermore, AI must be able to self-correct so that it can act as an active participant in improving its abilities.
Obviously, AI represents a rather complex technology. We’ll explain its key components in the following section.
A branch of computer science, AI includes several components that are either subsets of one another or work in tandem. These are machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, and robotics.
It’s no coincidence that machine learning popped up at the top spot here. It’s a crucial aspect of AI that does precisely what the name says: enables machines to learn.
We’ll discuss machine learning in a separate section.
Deep learning relates to machine learning. Its aim is essentially to simulate the human brain. To that end, the technology utilizes neural networks alongside complex algorithm structures that allow the machine to make independent decisions.
Natural language processing (NLP) allows machines to comprehend language similarly to humans. Language processing and understanding are the primary tasks of this AI branch.
Somewhat similar to NLP, computer vision allows machines to process visual input and extract useful data from it. And just as NLP enables a computer to understand language, computer vision facilitates a meaningful interpretation of visual information.
Finally, robotics are AI-controlled machines that can replace humans in dangerous or extremely complex tasks. As a branch of AI, robotics differs from robotic engineering, which focuses on the mechanical aspects of building machines.
The variety of AI components makes the technology suitable for a wide range of applications. Machine and deep learning are extremely useful in data gathering. NLP has seen a massive uptick in popularity lately, especially with tools like ChatGPT and similar chatbots. And robotics has been around for decades, finding use in various industries and services, in addition to military and space applications.
Machine learning is an AI branch that’s frequently used in data science. Defining what this aspect of AI does will largely clarify its relationship to data science and artificial intelligence.
Machine learning utilizes advanced algorithms to detect data patterns and interpret their meaning. The most important facets of machine learning include handling various data types, scalability, and high-level automation.
Like AI in general, machine learning also has a level of complexity to it, consisting of several key components.
The main aspects of machine learning are supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.
Supervised learning trains algorithms for data classification using labeled datasets. Simply put, the data is first labeled and then fed into the machine.
Unsupervised learning relies on algorithms that can make sense of unlabeled datasets. In other words, external intervention isn’t necessary here – the machine can analyze data patterns on its own.
Finally, reinforcement learning is the level of machine learning where the AI can learn to respond to input in an optimal way. The machine learns correct behavior through observation and environmental interactions without human assistance.
As mentioned, machine learning is particularly useful in data science. The technology makes processing large volumes of data much easier while producing more accurate results. Supervised and particularly unsupervised learning are especially helpful here.
Reinforcement learning is most efficient in uncertain or unpredictable environments. It finds use in robotics, autonomous driving, and all situations where it’s impossible to pre-program machines with sufficient accuracy.
Perhaps most famously, reinforcement learning is behind AlphaGo, an AI program developed for the Go board game. The game is notorious for its complexity, having about 250 possible moves on each of 150 turns, which is how long a typical game lasts.
Alpha Go managed to defeat the human Go champion by getting better at the game through numerous previous matches.
The differences between machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence are evident in the scope, objectives, techniques, required skill sets, and application.
As a subset of AI and a frequent tool in data science, machine learning has a more closely defined scope. It’s structured differently to data science and artificial intelligence, both massive fields of study with far-reaching objectives.
The objectives of data science are pto gather and analyze data. Machine learning and AI can take that data and utilize it for problem-solving, decision-making, and to simulate the most complex traits of the human brain.
Machine learning has the ultimate goal of achieving high accuracy in pattern comprehension. On the other hand, the main task of AI in general is to ensure success, particularly in emulating specific facets of human behavior.
All three require specific skill sets. In the case of data science vs. machine learning, the sets don’t match. The former requires knowledge of SQL, ETL, and domains, while the latter calls for Python, math, and data-wrangling expertise.
Naturally, machine learning will have overlapping skill sets with AI, since it’s its subset.
Finally, in the application field, data science produces valuable data-driven insights, AI is largely used in virtual assistants, while machine learning powers search engine algorithms.
Data science helps AI and machine learning by providing accurate, valuable data. Machine learning is critical in processing data and functions as a primary component of AI. And artificial intelligence provides novel solutions on all fronts, allowing for more efficient automation and optimal processes.
Through the interaction of data science, AI, and machine learning, all three branches can develop further, bringing improvement to all related industries.
Understanding the differences and common uses of data science, AI, and machine learning is essential for professionals in the field. However, it can also be valuable for businesses looking to leverage modern and future technologies.
As all three facets of modern tech develop, it will be important to keep an eye on emerging trends and watch for future developments.
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