It can often feel like a computer has a “brain,” especially given modern machines’ abilities to run complex calculations and handle instructions. But all of those machines need people behind them to program algorithms and help them to learn based on explicit instructions. That’s where machine learning comes in.

This branch of artificial intelligence brings a machine’s “brain” closer to the real thing than ever before. It’s all about teaching the machine how to do more than simply execute, as machine learning is all about making a machine “think” (based on instructions and algorithms) so it can improve over time. That ability to “think” is crucial in modern business because it gives companies the ability to analyze patterns – both operational and consumer-based – enabling them to make smarter decisions.

But these businesses need people who understand how to create machine learning models. That’s where you come in. With the right machine learning tutorial under your belt, you set yourself up for a career in a field that has only just started to show glimpses of its potential.

The Best Machine Learning Tutorials

Finding the best online tutorial for machine learning isn’t easy given the sheer volume of options available. Analyzing each one based on what it teaches (and how useful it will be to your career) takes time, though you can save yourself that time by checking out the three tutorials highlighted here.

Tutorial 1 – Intro to Machine Learning (Kaggle)

As tempting as it may be to run before you can walk, you need an introduction to the basic concepts of machine learning prior to focusing on more practical applications. Enter Kaggle’s machine learning tutorial. This seven-lesson course takes about three hours of self-guided learning to complete and will leave you with a solid grounding in machine learning that you can take into more industry-focused courses.

The majority of the seven lessons – barring the first – is split into two parts. First comes a tutorial where you’ll learn about the concepts that the lesson introduces, with the second part being an exercise that tests your new skills. Along the way, you’ll learn the basics of how machine learning models work and why you need them to explore large datasets. Other lessons focus on building and validating a model, with the later lessons introducing more complex algorithms, such as random forests, and giving you a chance to test your skills in competitions.

Though this is a beginner-focused tutorial, you’ll need a solid understanding of Python before making a start. Without experience in this programming language, you’ll feel like you’re truly lost in a random forest before you ever get to learn what that term actually means. On the plus side, the tutorial has an active discussion community (which includes the course instructor Dan Becker) that can help you along and point you in the direction of other courses that supplement this one.

Tutorial 2 – Making Developers Awesome at Machine Learning (Machine Learning Mastery)

This machine learning tutorial is less a structured course and more a series of articles and step-by-step instructional lessons that take you from the foundations of machine learning to more advanced concepts. That method of breaking the course into multiple stages is ideal for students of all experience levels. Complete beginners can start with the “Foundations” level and work their way up while those with more experience can dip into specific subjects that give them trouble or will build on their existing skills.

The course is split into four sections – Foundations, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. At the Foundations level, you’ll learn about the statistical concepts and models that underpin machine learning, giving you a solid basis to move into the Python programming taught in the Beginner section. Once you have a grasp of Python, the Intermediate section teaches you about deep learning and how to code machine learning algorithms. By the time you hit the Advanced stage, you’ll be working on complex subjects like computer vision and natural language processing.

With its less structured nature, this tutorial is great for people who want to dip in and out and those who need to hone in on a specific aspect of machine learning. It’s also a good choice for beginners because it covers practically everything you’ll need to know. Unfortunately, the lack of structure means you don’t get an official certification from the tutorial. Some students may also not like the “hub” nature of the tutorial, as it links you to tons of different web pages that can lead to confusion over time.

Tutorial 3 – Machine Learning Crash Course With TensorFlow APIs (Google)

If you already have a mathematical foundation (as well as some basic understanding of machine learning), Google’s tutorial helps you take your skills to the next level. You’ll need to understand algebra, statistics, and basic trigonometry, in addition to having some understanding of Python, to get started. But assuming you have all of that, this machine learning tutorial exposes you to real-world examples of the technology in action.

It’s a 25-lesson course that contains 30 exercises covering topics like model development and testing, data representation, and building neural networks. According to Google, it takes about 15 hours of self-guided study to complete, though your time may vary depending on how much you already know before you start the course.

The biggest advantage of this tutorial is the name attached to it. Google is a major player in the tech industry and the presence of its name on your CV instantly shows employers that you know your stuff. The course material is also delivered by lecturers who work at or for Google, allowing them to bring their real-world experiences into their lessons. On the downside, the tutorial’s prerequisites make it unsuitable for beginners, though Google does offer more basic courses (both in machine learning and Python) to help you build the required foundation.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Machine Learning Tutorial

The three options presented above all make a solid case for the best online tutorial for machine learning, though each offers something different based on your current skill level. To make the best choice between the three (and any other tutorials you find) you should consider these factors before committing yourself.

Your Current Skill Level

Diving into neural networks before you even know how machine learning works is like trying to row upstream without a paddle. You’re going to get stuck in rough waters and the end result won’t be what you want it to be. Be honest with yourself about your current skill level to ensure you don’t start a tutorial that’s too difficult (or too simple) for your abilities.

Programming Languages

There’s no getting away from the fact that you’ll need to feel comfortable with programming before taking a machine learning tutorial. Specifically, you’re likely to need some knowledge of Python, though how much depends on the course you take. Other languages can help, at least in the sense of ensuring you’re familiar with programming, but you need to check the language the course uses before starting.

Specific Topics

Though the basic idea of building a machine “brain” is simple enough to understand, the machine learning waters run deep. There are tons of topics and potential specializations you could study, and not all are useful for your intended career path. Check what the course covers and ensure those topics align with what you hope to achieve once you’ve completed the tutorial.

Time Commitment

If a tutorial takes an hour or two to complete, you don’t really need to worry about how you’ll fit it around your other commitments. But if it takes you down a machine learning rabbit hole (i.e., the Machine Learning Mastery Course), you need to get serious with scheduling. Figure out how much time you can commit to your course per week and choose a tutorial that fits around your commitments.

The Cost

On the plus side, many machine learning tutorials are available free of charge. But if you’re looking for more official certification, or you want to take a more formal course, you’ll usually have to pay for the privilege. Weigh up the course’s cost against the benefit you get out of the backend.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of a Machine Learning Tutorial

Anybody can start a machine learning tutorial, but only the truly committed will complete and actually get the most out of the materials. Follow these tips to ensure you’re spending your time wisely on the tutorial you choose:

  • Set clear goals from the outset that define what you want to achieve with the tutorial and where it’s supposed to lead you.
  • Dedicate time to learning every week because regularity is the key to making the information you absorb stick in your mind.
  • Engage with any communities related to your tutorial to learn from your peers and ask questions about the tutorial’s content.
  • Apply what you learn to real-world problems, either via the course itself or by searching for examples of what you’ve learned being put into action.
  • Update your knowledge and skills regularly with further tutorials because what you learn today may be out of date tomorrow.

Find the Best Online Tutorial for Machine Learning for You

There is no single “best” machine learning tutorial on the web because each approaches the subject differently. Some assume you have no knowledge at all and will start with basics before moving you into deeper subjects. Others require you to understand the computing concepts (mathematical and programmatical) that underpin machine learning before you can get started. Understand what the course offers, and what it needs from you, before you get started.

Regardless of your choice, getting started is the most important thing you can do. Once you’ve chosen a tutorial, commit yourself to it fully to take your first step (or potentially a giant leap) into a career that’s only going to grow as machine learning models become more common in business.

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IE University: How Corporate Purpose Drives Success in the AI Era
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
Oct 17, 2024 7 min read


By Francesco Derchi

Purpose is a strategic tool for driving innovation, competitive advantage, and addressing AI challenges, writes Francesco Derchi.

Since the early 2000s, technology has dominated discussions among scholars and professionals about global development and economic trends, with the first wave of research regarding the internet’s impact on firms and society focusing on the enabling potential of technologies. The concept of “digital revolution,” as popularized by Nicholas Negroponte, became the new paradigm for broader considerations about the development of the firm’s macro environment, and how businesses could leverage it as an asset for creating competitive advantage. The following wave focused on the convergence of different technologies, such as manufacturing, and included the dynamics of coexistence between humans and machines. From the management side, the major challenges are related to defining effective digital transformation practices that could help to migrate organizations and exploit this new paradigm.

The current technological focus builds on these previous trends, particularly on artificial intelligence and more recently on the emergence of generative AI. The Age of AI is characterized by technology’s power to reshape business and society on a variety of levels. While AI’s pervasive impact is not new for firms, the mainstream adoption of ChatGPT for business purposes and the response to this ready adoption from big tech players like Microsoft, Google, and more recently Apple, shows how AI is reshaping and influencing companies’ strategic priorities.

From a research perspective, AI’s societal impact is inspiring new studies in the field of ethics. Luciano Floridi, now of Yale University, has identified several challenges for AI, characterizing them by global magnitudes like its environmental impact and has identified several challenges for AI security, including intellectual property, privacy, transparency, and accountability. In his work, Floridi underlines the importance of philosophy in defining problems and designing solutions – but it is equally important to consider how these challenges can be addressed at the firm level. What are the tools for managers?

Part of the answer may lie in the increasing and recent focus of management studies around “corporate purpose” and “brand purpose.” This trend represents an important attempt to deepen our understanding of “why to act” (purpose framing) and “how to act” (purpose formalizing and internalizing), while technology management studies address the “what to act” (purpose impacting) question. Furthermore, studies show that corporate purpose is critical for both digital native firms as well as traditional companies undergoing a digital transformation, serving as an important growth engine through purpose-driven innovation. It is therefore fair to ask: can purpose help in addressing any of the AI challenges previously mentioned?

Purpose concepts are not exclusively “cause-related” like CSR and environmental impact. Other types have emerged, such as “competence” (the function of the product) and “culture” (the intent that drives the business). This broadens the consideration of impact types that can help address specific challenges in the age of AI.

Purpose-driven organizations are not new. Take Tesla’s direction “to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy” – it explicitly addresses environmental challenges while defining a business direction that requires constant innovation and leverages multiple converging technologies. The key is to have the purpose formalized and internalized within the company as a concrete drive for growth.

Due to its characteristics, the MTP plays a key role in digital transformation. This necessarily ambitious and long-term vision or goal – the Massive Transformative Purpose – requires firms, particularly those focused on exponential growth, to address emerging accelerating technologies with a purpose-first transformation logic. P&G’s Global Business Services division was able to improve market leadership and gain a competitive advantage over various start-ups and potential disruptors through its “Free up the employee, for free” MTP. This served as a north star for every employee, encouraging them to contribute ideas and best practices to overcome bulky processes and limitations.

My research on MTPs in AI-era firms explores their role in driving innovation to address specific challenges. Results show that the MTP impacts the organization across four dimensions, requiring commitment and synergy from management. Let’s consider these four dimensions by looking at Airbnb:

  1. Internal Impact: The MTP acts as the organization’s genetic code and guiding philosophy. It is key for leveraging employee motivation, with a strong relationship between purpose, organizational culture, and firm values. Airbnb’s culture of belonging highlights this, with its various purpose-shaping practices, starting with culture-fit interviews delivered during the recruitment process.
  2. Brand and Market Influence: The MTP contributes directly to building a strong brand and influencing the market. It allows firms to extend beyond functional and symbolic benefits to make the impact of the company on society visible. This involves addressing market demand coherently and consistently. Airbnb’s “Bélo” symbol visually represents this concept of belonging while their MTP features in campaigns like “Wall and Chain: A Story of Breaking Down Walls.”
  3. Competitive Advantage and Growth: The MTP drives innovation and can lead to superior stock market performance. In digital firms, it’s key in the creation of ecosystems that aggregate leveraged assets and third parties for value creation. The company’s “belong anywhere transformation journey” is a strategic initiative that formalized and interiorized the MTP through various touchpoints for all the different ecosystem members. As Leigh Gallagher details in her 2016 Fortune feature about the company, “When travellers leave their homes, they feel alone. They reach their Airbnb, and they feel accepted and taken care of by their host. They then feel safe to be the same kind of person they are when they’re at home.”
  4. Core Organization Identity: The MTP is considered part of the core dimension of the organization. More than a goal or business strategy, it is a strategic issue that generates a sense of direction and purpose that affects every part of the organization: internal, external, personality, and expression. This dimension also involves the role of the founder(s) and their personality in shaping the business. At Airbnb, the MTP is often used as a shortcut to explain the firm’s mission and vision. The founders’ approach is pragmatic, and instead of debating differences, time should be spent on execution. At the same time, the personalities of the three founders, Chesky, Gebbia, and Blecharcyzk, are the identity of the firm. They were the first hosts for the platform. Their credibility is key for making Airbnb a trustworthy and coherent proposal in a crowded market.

Executives and leaders of business in the current AI era should embrace three key principles. Be true: Purpose is an essential strategic tool that enables firms to identify and connect with their original selves, decoding their reason for being and embedding it into their identity. Be ambitious: The MTP allows for global impact, confronting major challenges by synthesizing business values and guiding innovation paths to address AI-related issues. Be generous: Purpose allows firms to explicitly address environmental and social issues, taking action on values-based challenges such as transparency, respect for intellectual property, and accountability. By following these principles, organizations and their leaders can maintain their direction and continue to advance in the AI era.

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Zorina Alliata Of Open Institute of Technology On Five Things You Need To Create A Highly Successful Career In The AI Industry
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
Sep 19, 2024 13 min read


Gaining hands-on experience through projects, internships, and collaborations is vital for understanding how to apply AI in various industries and domains. Use Kaggle or get a free cloud account and start experimenting. You will have projects to discuss at your next interviews.

By David Leichner, CMO at Cybellum

14 min read

Artificial Intelligence is now the leading edge of technology, driving unprecedented advancements across sectors. From healthcare to finance, education to environment, the AI industry is witnessing a skyrocketing demand for professionals. However, the path to creating a successful career in AI is multifaceted and constantly evolving. What does it take and what does one need in order to create a highly successful career in AI?

In this interview series, we are talking to successful AI professionals, AI founders, AI CEOs, educators in the field, AI researchers, HR managers in tech companies, and anyone who holds authority in the realm of Artificial Intelligence to inspire and guide those who are eager to embark on this exciting career path.

As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Zorina Alliata.

Zorina Alliata is an expert in AI, with over 20 years of experience in tech, and over 10 years in AI itself. As an educator, Zorina Alliata is passionate about learning, access to education and about creating the career you want. She implores us to learn more about ethics in AI, and not to fear AI, but to embrace it.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive in, our readers would like to learn a bit about your origin story. Can you share with us a bit about your childhood and how you grew up?

I was born in Romania, and grew up during communism, a very dark period in our history. I was a curious child and my parents, both teachers, encouraged me to learn new things all the time. Unfortunately, in communism, there was not a lot to do for a kid who wanted to learn: there was no TV, very few books and only ones that were approved by the state, and generally very few activities outside of school. Being an “intellectual” was a bad thing in the eyes of the government. They preferred people who did not read or think too much. I found great relief in writing, I have been writing stories and poetry since I was about ten years old. I was published with my first poem at 16 years old, in a national literature magazine.

Can you share with us the ‘backstory’ of how you decided to pursue a career path in AI?

I studied Computer Science at university. By then, communism had fallen and we actually had received brand new PCs at the university, and learned several programming languages. The last year, the fifth year of study, was equivalent with a Master’s degree, and was spent preparing your thesis. That’s when I learned about neural networks. We had a tiny, 5-node neural network and we spent the year trying to teach it to recognize the written letter “A”.

We had only a few computers in the lab running Windows NT, so really the technology was not there for such an ambitious project. We did not achieve a lot that year, but I was fascinated by the idea of a neural network learning by itself, without any programming. When I graduated, there were no jobs in AI at all, it was what we now call “the AI winter”. So I went and worked as a programmer, then moved into management and project management. You can imagine my happiness when, about ten years ago, AI came back to life in the form of Machine Learning (ML).

I immediately went and took every class possible to learn about it. I spent that Christmas holiday coding. The paradigm had changed from when I was in college, when we were trying to replicate the entire human brain. ML was focused on solving one specific problem, optimizing one specific output, and that’s where businesses everywhere saw a benefit. I then joined a Data Science team at GEICO, moved to Capital One as a Delivery lead for their Center for Machine Learning, and then went to Amazon in their AI/ML team.

Can you tell our readers about the most interesting projects you are working on now?

While I can’t discuss work projects due to confidentiality, there are some things I can mention! In the last five years, I worked with global companies to establish an AI strategy and to introduce AI and ML in their organizations. Some of my customers included large farming associations, who used ML to predict when to plant their crops for optimal results; water management companies who used ML for predictive maintenance to maintain their underground pipes; construction companies that used AI for visual inspections of their buildings, and to identify any possible defects and hospitals who used Digital Twins technology to improve patient outcomes and health. It is amazing to see how much AI and ML are already part of our everyday lives, and to recognize some of it in the mundane around us.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful for who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

When you are young, there are so many people who step up and help you along the way. I have had great luck with several professors who have encouraged me in school, and an uncle who worked in computers who would take me to his office and let me play around with his machines. I now try to give back and mentor several young people, especially women who are trying to get into the field. I volunteer with AnitaB and Zonta, as well as taking on mentees where I work.

As with any career path, the AI industry comes with its own set of challenges. Could you elaborate on some of the significant challenges you faced in your AI career and how you managed to overcome them?

I think one major challenge in AI is the speed of change. I remember after spending my Christmas holiday learning and coding in R, when I joined the Data Science team at GEICO, I realized the world had moved on and everyone was now coding in Python. So, I had to learn Python very fast, in order to understand what was going on.

It’s the same with research — I try to work on one subject, and four new papers are published every week that move the goal posts. It is very challenging to keep up, but you just have to adapt to continuously learn and let go of what becomes obsolete.

Ok, let’s now move to the main part of our interview about AI. What are the 3 things that most excite you about the AI industry now? Why?

1. Creativity

Generative AI brought us the ability to create amazing images based on simple text descriptions. Entire videos are now possible, and soon, maybe entire movies. I have been working in AI for several years and I never thought creative jobs will be the first to be achieved by AI. I am amazed at the capacity of an algorithms to create images, and to observe the artificial creativity we now see for the first time.

2. Abstraction

I think with the success and immediate mainstream adoption of Generative AI, we saw the great appetite out there for automation and abstraction. No one wants to do boring work and summarizing documents; no one wants to read long websites, they just want the gist of it. If I drive a car, I don’t need to know how the engine works and every equation that the engineers used to build it — I just want my car to drive. The same level of abstraction is now expected in AI. There is a lot of opportunity here in creating these abstractions for the future.

3. Opportunity

I like that we are in the beginning of AI, so there is a lot of opportunity to jump in. Most people who are passionate about it can learn all about AI fully online, in places like Open Institute of Technology. Or they can get experience working on small projects, and then they can apply for jobs. It is great because it gives people access to good jobs and stability in the future.

What are the 3 things that concern you about the AI industry? Why? What should be done to address and alleviate those concerns?

1. Fairness

The large companies that build LLMs spend a lot of energy and money into making them fair. But it is not easy. Us, as humans, are often not fair ourselves. We even have problems agreeing what fairness even means. So, how can we teach the machines to be fair? I think the responsibility stays with us. We can’t simply say “AI did this bad thing.”

2. Regulation

There are some regulations popping up but most are not coordinated or discussed widely. There is controversy, such as regarding the new California bill SB1047, where scientists take different sides of the debate. We need to find better ways to regulate the use and creation of AI, working together as a society, not just in small groups of politicians.

3. Awareness

I wish everyone understood the basics of AI. There is denial, fear, hatred that is created by doomsday misinformation. I wish AI was taught from a young age, through appropriate means, so everyone gets the fundamental principles and understands how to use this great tool in their lives.

For a young person who would like to eventually make a career in AI, which skills and subjects do they need to learn?

I think maybe the right question is: what are you passionate about? Do that, and see how you can use AI to make your job better and more exciting! I think AI will work alongside people in most jobs, as it develops and matures.

But for those who are looking to work in AI, they can choose from a variety of roles as well. We have technical roles like data scientist or machine learning engineer, which require very specialized knowledge and degrees. They learn computing, software engineering, programming, data analysis, data engineering. There are also business roles, for people who understand the technology well but are not writing code. Instead, they define strategies, design solutions for companies, or write implementation plans for AI products and services. There is also a robust AI research domain, where lots of scientists are measuring and analyzing new technology developments.

With Generative AI, new roles appeared, such as Prompt Engineer. We can now talk with the machines in natural language, so speaking good English is all that’s required to find the right conversation.

With these many possible roles, I think if you work in AI, some basic subjects where you can start are:

  1. Analytics — understand data and how it is stored and governed, and how we get insights from it.
  2. Logic — understand both mathematical and philosophical logic.
  3. Fundamentals of AI — read about the history and philosophy of AI, models of thinking, and major developments.

As you know, there are not that many women in the AI industry. Can you advise what is needed to engage more women in the AI industry?

Engaging more women in the AI industry is absolutely crucial if you want to build any successful AI products. In my twenty years career, I have seen changes in the tech industry to address this gender discrepancy. For example, we do well in school with STEM programs and similar efforts that encourage girls to code. We also created mentorship organizations such as who allow women to connect and collaborate. One place where I think we still lag behind is in the workplace. When I came to the US in my twenties, I was the only woman programmer in my team. Now, I see more women at work, but still not enough. We say we create inclusive work environments, but we still have a long way to go to encourage more women to stay in tech. Policies that support flexible hours and parental leave are necessary, and other adjustments that account for the different lives that women have compared to men. Bias training and challenging stereotypes are also necessary, and many times these are implemented shoddily in organizations.

Ethical AI development is a pressing concern in the industry. How do you approach the ethical implications of AI, and what steps do you believe individuals and organizations should take to ensure responsible and fair AI practices?

Machine Learning and AI learn from data. Unfortunately, lot of our historical data shows strong biases. For example, for a long time, it was perfectly legal to only offer mortgages to white people. The data shows that. If we use this data to train a new model to enhance the mortgage application process, then the model will learn that mortgages should only be offered to white men. That is a bias that we had in the past, but we do not want to learn and amplify in the future.

Generative AI has introduced a new set of fresh risks, the most famous being the “hallucinations.” Generative AI will create new content based on chunks of text it finds in its training data, without an understanding of what the content means. It could repeat something it learned from one Reddit user ten years ago, that could be factually incorrect. Is that piece of information unbiased and fair?

There are many ways we fight for fairness in AI. There are technical tools we can use to offer interpretability and explainability of the actual models used. There are business constraints we can create, such as guardrails or knowledge bases, where we can lead the AI towards ethical answers. We also advise anyone who build AI to use a diverse team of builders. If you look around the table and you see the same type of guys who went to the schools, you will get exactly one original idea from them. If you add different genders, different ages, different tenures, different backgrounds, then you will get ten innovative ideas for your product, and you will have addressed biases you’ve never even thought of.

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