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In today’s digital landscape, few businesses can go without relying on cloud computing to build a rock-solid IT infrastructure. Boosted efficiency, reduced expenses, and increased scalability are just some of the reasons behind its increasing popularity.
In case you aren’t familiar with the concept, cloud computing refers to running software and services on the internet using data stored on outside sources. So, instead of owning and maintaining their infrastructure locally and physically, businesses access cloud-based services as needed.
And what is found in the cloud? Well, any crucial business data that you can imagine. Customer information, business applications, data backups, and the list can go on.
Given this data’s sensitivity, cloud computing security is of utmost importance.
Unfortunately, cloud computing isn’t the only aspect that keeps evolving. So do the risks, issues, and challenges threatening its security.
Let’s review the most significant security issues in cloud computing and discuss how to address them adequately.
Understanding Cloud Computing Security Risks
Cloud computing security risks refer to potential vulnerabilities in the system that malicious actors can exploit for their own benefit. Understanding these risks is crucial to selecting the right cloud computing services for your business or deciding if cloud computing is even the way to go.
Data Breaches
A data breach happens when unauthorized individuals access, steal, or publish sensitive information (names, addresses, credit card information). Since these incidents usually occur without the organization’s knowledge, the attackers have ample time to do severe damage.
What do we mean by damage?
Well, in this case, damage can refer to various scenarios. Think everything from using the stolen data for financial fraud to sabotaging the company’s stock price. It all depends on the type of stolen data.
Whatever the case, companies rarely put data breaches behind them without a severely damaged reputation, significant financial loss, or extensive legal consequences.
Data Loss
The business world revolves around data. That’s why attackers target it. And why companies fight so hard to preserve it.
As the name implies, data loss occurs when a company can no longer access its previously stored information.
Sure, malicious attacks are often behind data loss. But this is only one of the causes of this unfortunate event.
The cloud service provider can also accidentally delete your vital data. Physical catastrophes (fires, floods, earthquakes, tornados, explosions) can also have this effect, as can data corruption, software failure, and many other mishaps.
Account Hijacking
Using (or reusing) weak passwords as part of cloud-based infrastructure is basically an open invitation for account hijacking.
Again, the name is pretty self-explanatory – a malicious actor gains complete control over your online accounts. From there, the hijacker can access sensitive data, perform unauthorized actions, and compromise other associated accounts.
Insecure APIs
In cloud computing, communication service providers (CSPs) offer their customers numerous Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These easy-to-use interfaces allow customers to manage their cloud-based services. But besides being easy to use, some of these APIs can be equally easy to exploit. For this reason, cybercriminals often prey on insecure APIs as their access points for infiltrating the company’s cloud environment.
Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
Denial of service (DoS) attacks have one goal – to render your network or server inaccessible. They do so by overwhelming them with traffic until they malfunction or crash.
It’s clear that these attacks can cause severe damage to any business. Now imagine what they can do to companies that rely on those online resources to store business-critical data.
Insider Threats
Not all employees will have your company’s best interest at heart, not to mention ex-employees. If these individuals abuse their authorized access, they can wreak havoc on your networks, systems, and data.
Insider threats are more challenging to spot than external attacks. After all, these individuals know your business inside out, positioning them to cause serious damage while staying undetected.
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
With advanced persistent threats (APTs), it’s all about the long game. The intruder will infiltrate your company’s cloud environment and fly under the radar for quite some time. Of course, they’ll use this time to steal sensitive data from your business’s every corner.
Challenges in Cloud Computing Security
Security challenges in cloud computing refer to hurdles your company might hit while implementing cloud computing security.
Shared Responsibility Model
A shared responsibility model is precisely what it sounds like. The responsibility for maintaining security falls on several individuals or entities. In cloud computing, these parties include the CSP and your business (as the CSP’s consumer). Even the slightest misunderstanding concerning the division of these responsibilities can have catastrophic consequences for cloud computing security.
Compliance With Regulations and Standards
Organizations must store their sensitive data according to specific regulations and standards. Some are industry-specific, like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) for guarding healthcare records. Others, like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), are more extensive. Achieving this compliance in cloud computing is more challenging since organizations typically don’t control all the layers of their infrastructure.
Data Privacy and Protection
Placing sensitive data in the cloud comes with significant exposure risks (as numerous data breaches in massive companies have demonstrated). Keeping this data private and protected is one of the biggest security challenges in cloud computing.
Lack of Visibility and Control
Once companies move their data to the cloud (located outside their corporate network), they lose some control over it. The same goes for their visibility into their network’s operations. Naturally, since companies can’t fully see or control their cloud-based resources, they sometimes fail to protect them successfully against attacks.
Vendor Lock-In and Interoperability
These security challenges in cloud computing arise when organizations want to move their assets from one CSP to another. This move is often deemed too expensive or complex, forcing the organization to stay put (vendor lock-in). Migrating data between providers can also cause different applications and systems to stop working together correctly, thus hindering their interoperability.
Security of Third-Party Services
Third-party services are often trouble, and cloud computing is no different. These services might have security vulnerabilities allowing unauthorized access to your cloud data and systems.
Issues in Cloud Computing Security
The following factors have proven as major security issues in cloud computing.
Insufficient Identity and Access Management
The larger your business, the harder it gets to establish clearly-defined roles and assign them specific permissions. However, Identity and Access Management (IAM) is vital in cloud computing. Without a comprehensive IAM strategy, a data breach is just waiting to happen.
Inadequate Encryption and Key Management
Encryption is undoubtedly one of the most effective measures for data protection. But only if it’s implemented properly. Using weak keys or failing to rotate, store, and protect them adequately is a one-way ticket to system vulnerabilities.
So, without solid encryption and coherent key management strategies, your cloud computing security can be compromised in no time.
Vulnerabilities in Virtualization Technology
Virtualization (running multiple virtual computers on the hardware elements of a single physical computer) is becoming increasingly popular. Consider the level of flexibility it allows (and at what cost!), and you’ll understand why.
However, like any other technology, virtualization is prone to vulnerabilities. And, as we’ve already established, system vulnerabilities and cloud computing security can’t go hand in hand.
Limited Incident Response Capabilities
Promptly responding to a cloud computing security incident is crucial to minimizing its potential impact on your business. Without a proper incident report strategy, attackers can run rampant within your cloud environment.
Security Concerns in Multi-Tenancy Environments
In a multi-tenancy environment, multiple accounts share the same cloud infrastructure. This means that an attack on one of those accounts (or tenants) can compromise the cloud computing security for all the rest. Keep in mind that this only applies if the CSP doesn’t properly separate the tenants.
Addressing Key Concerns in Cloud Computing Security
Before moving your data to cloud-based services, you must fully comprehend all the security threats that might await. This way, you can implement targeted cloud computing security measures and increase your chances of emerging victorious from a cyberattack.
Here’s how you can address some of the most significant cloud computing security concerns:
- Implement strong authentication and access controls (introducing multifactor authentication, establishing resource access policies, monitoring user access rights).
- Ensure data encryption and secure key management (using strong keys, rotating them regularly, and protecting them beyond CSP’s measures).
- Regularly monitor and audit your cloud environments (combining CSP-provided monitoring information with your cloud-based and on-premises monitoring information for maximum security).
- Develop a comprehensive incident response plan (relying on the NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] or the SANS [SysAdmin, Audit, Network, and Security] framework).
- Collaborate with cloud service providers to successfully share security responsibilities (coordinating responses to threats and investigating potential threats).
Weathering the Storm in Cloud Computing
Due to the importance of the data they store, cloud-based systems are constantly exposed to security threats. Compare the sheer number of security risks to the number of challenges and issues in addressing them promptly, and you’ll understand why cloud computing security sometimes feels like an uphill battle.
Since these security threats are ever-evolving, staying vigilant, informed, and proactive is the only way to stay on top of your cloud computing security. Pursue education in this field, and you can achieve just that.

Machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence are common terms in modern technology. These terms are often used interchangeably but incorrectly, which is understandable.
After all, hundreds of millions of people use the advantages of digital technologies. Yet only a small percentage of those users are experts in the field.
AI, data science, and machine learning represent valuable assets that can be used to great advantage in various industries. However, to use these tools properly, you need to understand what they are. Furthermore, knowing the difference between data science and machine learning, as well as how AI differs from both, can dispel the common misconceptions about these technologies.
Read on to gain a better understanding of the three crucial tech concepts.
Data Science
Data science can be viewed as the foundation of many modern technological solutions. It’s also the stage from which existing solutions can progress and evolve. Let’s define data science in more detail.
Definition and Explanation of Data Science
A scientific discipline with practical applications, data science represents a field of study dedicated to the development of data systems. If this definition sounds too broad, that’s because data science is a broad field by its nature.
Data structure is the primary concern of data science. To produce clean data and conduct analysis, scientists use a range of methods and tools, from manual to automated solutions.
Data science has another crucial task: defining problems that previously didn’t exist or slipped by unnoticed. Through this activity, data scientists can help predict unforeseen issues, improve existing digital tools, and promote the development of new ones.
Key Components of Data Science
Breaking down data science into key components, we get to three essential factors:
- Data collection
- Data analysis
- Predictive modeling
Data collection is pretty much what it sounds like – gathering of data. This aspect of data science also includes preprocessing, which is essentially preparation of raw data for further processing.
During data analysis, data scientists draw conclusions based on the gathered data. They search the data for patterns and potential flaws. The scientists do this to determine weak points and system deficiencies. In data visualization, scientists aim to communicate the conclusions of their investigation through graphics, charts, bullet points, and maps.
Finally, predictive modeling represents one of the ultimate uses of the analyzed data. Here, create models that can help them predict future trends. This component also illustrates the differentiation between data science vs. machine learning. Machine learning is often used in predictive modeling as a tool within the broader field of data science.
Applications and Use Cases of Data Science
Data science finds uses in marketing, banking, finance, logistics, HR, and trading, to name a few. Financial institutions and businesses take advantage of data science to assess and manage risks. The powerful assistance of data science often helps these organizations gain the upper hand in the market.
In marketing, data science can provide valuable information about customers, help marketing departments organize, and launch effective targeted campaigns. When it comes to human resources, extensive data gathering, and analysis allow HR departments to single out the best available talent and create accurate employee performance projections.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The term “artificial intelligence” has been somewhat warped by popular culture. Despite the varying interpretations, AI is a concrete technology with a clear definition and purpose, as well as numerous applications.
Definition and Explanation of AI
Artificial intelligence is sometimes called machine intelligence. In its essence, AI represents a machine simulation of human learning and decision-making processes.
AI gives machines the function of empirical learning, i.e., using experiences and observations to gain new knowledge. However, machines can’t acquire new experiences independently. They need to be fed relevant data for the AI process to work.
Furthermore, AI must be able to self-correct so that it can act as an active participant in improving its abilities.
Obviously, AI represents a rather complex technology. We’ll explain its key components in the following section.
Key Components of AI
A branch of computer science, AI includes several components that are either subsets of one another or work in tandem. These are machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, and robotics.
It’s no coincidence that machine learning popped up at the top spot here. It’s a crucial aspect of AI that does precisely what the name says: enables machines to learn.
We’ll discuss machine learning in a separate section.
Deep learning relates to machine learning. Its aim is essentially to simulate the human brain. To that end, the technology utilizes neural networks alongside complex algorithm structures that allow the machine to make independent decisions.
Natural language processing (NLP) allows machines to comprehend language similarly to humans. Language processing and understanding are the primary tasks of this AI branch.
Somewhat similar to NLP, computer vision allows machines to process visual input and extract useful data from it. And just as NLP enables a computer to understand language, computer vision facilitates a meaningful interpretation of visual information.
Finally, robotics are AI-controlled machines that can replace humans in dangerous or extremely complex tasks. As a branch of AI, robotics differs from robotic engineering, which focuses on the mechanical aspects of building machines.
Applications and Use Cases of AI
The variety of AI components makes the technology suitable for a wide range of applications. Machine and deep learning are extremely useful in data gathering. NLP has seen a massive uptick in popularity lately, especially with tools like ChatGPT and similar chatbots. And robotics has been around for decades, finding use in various industries and services, in addition to military and space applications.
Machine Learning
Machine learning is an AI branch that’s frequently used in data science. Defining what this aspect of AI does will largely clarify its relationship to data science and artificial intelligence.
Definition and Explanation of Machine Learning
Machine learning utilizes advanced algorithms to detect data patterns and interpret their meaning. The most important facets of machine learning include handling various data types, scalability, and high-level automation.
Like AI in general, machine learning also has a level of complexity to it, consisting of several key components.
Key Components of Machine Learning
The main aspects of machine learning are supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.
Supervised learning trains algorithms for data classification using labeled datasets. Simply put, the data is first labeled and then fed into the machine.
Unsupervised learning relies on algorithms that can make sense of unlabeled datasets. In other words, external intervention isn’t necessary here – the machine can analyze data patterns on its own.
Finally, reinforcement learning is the level of machine learning where the AI can learn to respond to input in an optimal way. The machine learns correct behavior through observation and environmental interactions without human assistance.
Applications and Use Cases of Machine Learning
As mentioned, machine learning is particularly useful in data science. The technology makes processing large volumes of data much easier while producing more accurate results. Supervised and particularly unsupervised learning are especially helpful here.
Reinforcement learning is most efficient in uncertain or unpredictable environments. It finds use in robotics, autonomous driving, and all situations where it’s impossible to pre-program machines with sufficient accuracy.
Perhaps most famously, reinforcement learning is behind AlphaGo, an AI program developed for the Go board game. The game is notorious for its complexity, having about 250 possible moves on each of 150 turns, which is how long a typical game lasts.
Alpha Go managed to defeat the human Go champion by getting better at the game through numerous previous matches.
Key Differences Between Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning
The differences between machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence are evident in the scope, objectives, techniques, required skill sets, and application.
As a subset of AI and a frequent tool in data science, machine learning has a more closely defined scope. It’s structured differently to data science and artificial intelligence, both massive fields of study with far-reaching objectives.
The objectives of data science are pto gather and analyze data. Machine learning and AI can take that data and utilize it for problem-solving, decision-making, and to simulate the most complex traits of the human brain.
Machine learning has the ultimate goal of achieving high accuracy in pattern comprehension. On the other hand, the main task of AI in general is to ensure success, particularly in emulating specific facets of human behavior.
All three require specific skill sets. In the case of data science vs. machine learning, the sets don’t match. The former requires knowledge of SQL, ETL, and domains, while the latter calls for Python, math, and data-wrangling expertise.
Naturally, machine learning will have overlapping skill sets with AI, since it’s its subset.
Finally, in the application field, data science produces valuable data-driven insights, AI is largely used in virtual assistants, while machine learning powers search engine algorithms.
How Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning Complement Each Other
Data science helps AI and machine learning by providing accurate, valuable data. Machine learning is critical in processing data and functions as a primary component of AI. And artificial intelligence provides novel solutions on all fronts, allowing for more efficient automation and optimal processes.
Through the interaction of data science, AI, and machine learning, all three branches can develop further, bringing improvement to all related industries.
Understanding the Technology of the Future
Understanding the differences and common uses of data science, AI, and machine learning is essential for professionals in the field. However, it can also be valuable for businesses looking to leverage modern and future technologies.
As all three facets of modern tech develop, it will be important to keep an eye on emerging trends and watch for future developments.

Did you know you’re participating in a distributed computing system simply by reading this article? That’s right, the massive network that is the internet is an example of distributed computing, as is every application that uses the world wide web.
Distributed computing involves getting multiple computing units to work together to solve a single problem or perform a single task. Distributing the workload across multiple interconnected units leads to the formation of a super-computer that has the resources to deal with virtually any challenge.
Without this approach, large-scale operations involving computers would be all but impossible. Sure, this has significant implications for scientific research and big data processing. But it also hits close to home for an average internet user. No distributed computing means no massively multiplayer online games, e-commerce websites, or social media networks.
With all this in mind, let’s look at this valuable system in more detail and discuss its advantages, disadvantages, and applications.
Basics of Distributed Computing
Distributed computing aims to make an entire computer network operate as a single unit. Read on to find out how this is possible.
Components of a Distributed System
A distributed system has three primary components: nodes, communication channels, and middleware.
The entire premise of distributed computing is breaking down one giant task into several smaller subtasks. And who deals with these subtasks? The answer is nodes. Each node (independent computing unit within a network) gets a subtask.
Communication Channels
For nodes to work together, they must be able to communicate. That’s where communication channels come into play.
Middleware is the middleman between the underlying infrastructure of a distributed computing system and its applications. Both sides benefit from it, as it facilitates their communication and coordination.
Types of Distributed Systems
Coordinating the essential components of a distributed computing system in different ways results in different distributed system types.
Client-Server Systems
A client-server system consists of two endpoints: clients and servers. Clients are there to make requests. Armed with all the necessary data, servers are the ones that respond to these requests.
The internet, as a whole, is a client-server system. If you’d like a more specific example, think of how streaming platforms (Netflix, Disney+, Max) operate.
Peer-to-Peer Systems
Peer-to-peer systems take a more democratic approach than their client-server counterparts: they allocate equal responsibilities to each unit in the network. So, no unit holds all the power and each unit can act as a server or a client.
Content sharing through clients like BitTorrent, file streaming through apps like Popcorn Time, and blockchain networks like Bitcoin are some well-known examples of peer-to-peer systems.
Grid Computing
Coordinate a grid of geographically distributed resources (computers, networks, servers, etc.) that work together to complete a common task, and you get grid computing.
Whether belonging to multiple organizations or far away from each other, nothing will stop these resources from acting as a uniform computing system.
Cloud Computing
In cloud computing, centralized data centers store data that organizations can access on demand. These centers might be centralized, but each has a different function. That’s where the distributed system in cloud computing comes into play.
Thanks to the role of distributed computing in cloud computing, there’s no limit to the number of resources that can be shared and accessed.
Key Concepts in Distributed Computing
For a distributed computing system to operate efficiently, it must have specific qualities.
If workload growth is an option, scalability is a necessity. Amp up the demand in a distributed computing system, and it responds by adding more nodes and consuming more resources.
Fault Tolerance
In a distributed computing system, nodes must rely on each other to complete the task at hand. But what happens if there’s a faulty node? Will the entire system crash? Fortunately, it won’t, and it has fault tolerance to thank.
Instead of crashing, a distributed computing system responds to a faulty node by switching to its working copy and continuing to operate as if nothing happened.
A distributed computing system will go through many ups and downs. But through them all, it must uphold consistency across all nodes. Without consistency, a unified and up-to-date system is simply not possible.
Concurrency refers to the ability of a distributed computing system to execute numerous processes simultaneously.
Parallel computing and distributed computing have this quality in common, leading many to mix up these two models. But there’s a key difference between parallel and distributed computing in this regard. With the former, multiple processors or cores of a single computing unit perform the simultaneous processes. As for distributed computing, it relies on interconnected nodes that only act as a single unit for the same task.
Despite their differences, both parallel and distributed computing systems have a common enemy to concurrency: deadlocks (blocking of two or more processes). When a deadlock occurs, concurrency goes out of the window.
Advantages of Distributed Computing
There are numerous reasons why using distributed computing is a good idea:
- Improved performance. Access to multiple resources means performing at peak capacity, regardless of the workload.
- Resource sharing. Sharing resources between several workstations is your one-way ticket to efficiently completing computation tasks.
- Increased reliability and availability. Unlike single-system computing, distributed computing has no single point of failure. This means welcoming reliability, consistency, and availability and bidding farewell to hardware vulnerabilities and software failures.
- Scalability and flexibility. When it comes to distributed computing, there’s no such thing as too much workload. The system will simply add new nodes and carry on. No centralized system can match this level of scalability and flexibility.
- Cost-effectiveness. Delegating a task to several lower-end computing units is much more cost-effective than purchasing a single high-end unit.
Challenges in Distributed Computing
Although this offers numerous advantages, it’s not always smooth sailing with distributed systems. All involved parties are still trying to address the following challenges:
- Network latency and bandwidth limitations. Not all distributed systems can handle a massive amount of data on time. Even the slightest delay (latency) can affect the system’s overall performance. The same goes for bandwidth limitations (the amount of data that can be transmitted simultaneously).
- Security and privacy concerns. While sharing resources has numerous benefits, it also has a significant flaw: data security. If a system as open as a distributed computing system doesn’t prioritize security and privacy, it will be plagued by data breaches and similar cybersecurity threats.
- Data consistency and synchronization. A distributed computing system derives all its power from its numerous nodes. But coordinating all these nodes (various hardware, software, and network configurations) is no easy task. That’s why issues with data consistency and synchronization (concurrency) come as no surprise.
- System complexity and management. The bigger the distributed computing system, the more challenging it gets to manage it efficiently. It calls for more knowledge, skills, and money.
- Interoperability and standardization. Due to the heterogeneous nature of a distributed computing system, maintaining interoperability and standardization between the nodes is challenging, to say the least.
Applications of Distributed Computing
Nowadays, distributed computing is everywhere. Take a look at some of its most common applications, and you’ll know exactly what we mean:
- Scientific research and simulations. Distributed computing systems model and simulate complex scientific data in fields like healthcare and life sciences. (For example, accelerating patient diagnosis with the help of a large volume of complex images (CT scans, X-rays, and MRIs).
- Big data processing and analytics. Big data sets call for ample storage, memory, and computational power. And that’s precisely what distributed computing brings to the table.
- Content delivery networks. Delivering content on a global scale (social media, websites, e-commerce stores, etc.) is only possible with distributed computing.
- Online gaming and virtual environments. Are you fond of massively multiplayer online games (MMOs)Â and virtual reality (VR) avatars? Well, you have distributed computing to thank for them.
- Internet of Things (IoT) and smart devices. At its very core, IoT is a distributed system. It relies on a mixture of physical access points and internet services to transform any devices into smart devices that can communicate with each other.
Future Trends in Distributed Computing
Given the flexibility and usability of distributed computing, data scientists and programmers are constantly trying to advance this revolutionary technology. Check out some of the most promising trends in distributed computing:
- Edge computing and fog computing – Overcoming latency challenges
- Serverless computing and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) – Providing only the necessary amount of service on demand
- Blockchain – Connecting computing resources of cryptocurrency miners worldwide
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning – Improving the speed and accuracy in training models and processing data
- Quantum computing and distributed systems – Scaling up quantum computers
Distributed Computing Is Paving the Way Forward
The ability to scale up computational processes opens up a world of possibilities for data scientists, programmers, and entrepreneurs worldwide. That’s why current challenges and obstacles to distributed computing aren’t particularly worrisome. With a little more research, the trustworthiness of distributed systems won’t be questioned anymore.

Artificial intelligence has impacted on businesses since its development in the 1940s. By automating various tasks, it increases security, streamlines inventory management, and provides many other tremendous benefits. Additionally, it’s expected to grow at a rate of nearly 40% until the end of the decade.
However, the influence of artificial intelligence goes both ways. There are certain disadvantages to consider to get a complete picture of this technology.
This article will cover the most important advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence.
Advantages of AI
Approximately 37% of all organizations embrace some form of AI to polish their operations. The numerous advantages help business owners take their enterprises to a whole new level.
Increased Efficiency and Productivity
One of the most significant advantages of artificial intelligence is elevated productivity and efficiency.
Automation of Repetitive Tasks
How many times have you thought to yourself: “I really wish there was a better way to take care of this mundane task.” There is – incorporate artificial intelligence into your toolbox.
You can program this technology to perform basically anything. Whether you need to go through piles of documents or adjust print settings, a machine can do the work for you. Just set the parameters, and you can sit back while AI does the rest.
Faster Data Processing and Analysis
You probably deal with huge amounts of information. Manual processing and analysis can be time-consuming, but not if you outsource the project to AI. Artificial intelligence can breeze through vast chunks of data much faster than people.
Improved Decision-Making
AI makes all the difference with decision-making through data-driven insights and the reduction of human error.
Data-Driven Insights
AI software gathers and analyzes data from relevant sources. Decision-makers can use this highly accurate information to make an informed decision and predict future trends.
Reduction of Human Error
Burnout can get the better of anyone and increase the chances of making a mistake. That’s not what happens with AI. If correctly programmed, it can carry out virtually any task, and the chances of error are slim to none.
Enhanced Customer Experience
Artificial intelligence can also boost customer experience.
Personalized Recommendations
AI machines can use data to recommend products and services. The technology reduces the need for manual input to further automate repetitive tasks. One of the most famous platforms with AI-based recommendations is Netflix.
Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
Many enterprises set up AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to communicate with customers and help them troubleshoot various issues. Likewise, these platforms can help clients find a certain page or blog on a website.
Innovation and Creativity
Contrary to popular belief, one of the biggest advantages of artificial intelligence is that it can promote innovation and creativity.
AI-Generated Content and Designs
AI can create some of the most mesmerizing designs imaginable. Capable of producing stunning content, whether in the written, video, or audio format, it also works at unprecedented speeds.
Problem-Solving Capabilities
Sophisticated AI tools can solve a myriad of problems, including math, coding, and architecture. Simply describe your problem and wait for the platform to apply its next-level skills.
Cost Savings
According to McKinsey & Company, you can decrease costs by 15%-20% in less than two years by implementing AI in your workplace. Two main factors underpin this reduction.
Reduced Labor Costs
Before AI became widespread, many tasks could only be performed by humans, such as contact management and inventory tracking. Nowadays, artificial intelligence can take on those responsibilities and cut labor costs.
Lower Operational Expenses
As your enterprise becomes more efficient through AI implementation, you reduce errors and lower operational expenses.
Disadvantages of AI
AI does have a few drawbacks. Understanding the disadvantages of artificial intelligence is key to making the right decision on the adoption of this technology.
Job Displacement and Unemployment
The most obvious disadvantage is redundancies. Many people lose their jobs because their position becomes obsolete. Organizations prioritize cost cutting, which is why they often lay off employees in favor of AI.
Automation Replacing Human Labor
This point is directly related to the previous one. Even though AI-based automation is beneficial from a time and money-saving perspective, it’s a major problem for employees. Those who perform repetitive tasks are at risk of losing their position.
Need for Workforce Reskilling
Like any other workplace technology, artificial intelligence requires people to learn additional skills. Since some abilities may become irrelevant due to AI-powered automation, job seekers need to pick up more practical skills that can’t be replaced by AI.
Ethical Concerns
In addition to increasing unemployment, artificial intelligence can also raise several ethical concerns.
Bias and Discrimination in AI Algorithms
AI algorithms are sophisticated, but they’re not perfect. The main reason being that developers inject their personal biases into the AI-based tool. Consequently, content and designs created through AI may contain subjective themes that might not resonate with some audiences.
Privacy and Surveillance Issues
One of the most serious disadvantages of artificial intelligence is that it can infringe on people’s privacy. Some platforms gather information about individuals without their consent. Even though it may achieve a greater purpose, many people aren’t willing to sacrifice their right to privacy.
High Initial Investment and Maintenance Costs
As cutting-edge technology, Artificial Intelligence is also pricey.
Expensive AI Systems and Infrastructure
The cost of developing a custom AI solution can be upwards of $200,000. Hence, it can be a financial burden.
Ongoing Updates and Improvements
Besides the initial investment, you also need to release regular updates and improvements to streamline the AI platform. All of which quickly adds up.
Dependence on Technology
While reliance on technology has its benefits, there are a few disadvantages.
Loss of Human Touch and Empathy
Although advanced, most AI tools fail to capture the magic of the human touch. They can’t empathize with the target audience, either, making the content less impactful.
Overreliance on AI Systems
If you become overly reliant on an AI solution, your problem-solving skills suffer and you might not know how to complete a project if the system fails.
Security Risks
AI tools aren’t impervious to security risks. Far from it – many risks arise when utilizing this technology.
Vulnerability to Cyberattacks
Hackers can tap into the AI network by adding training files the tool considers safe. Before you know it, the malware spreads and wreaks havoc on the infrastructure.
Misuse of AI Technology
Malicious users often have dishonorable intentions with AI software. They can use it to create deep fakes or execute phishing attacks to steal information.
AI in Various Industries: Pros and Cons
Let’s go through the pros and cons of using AI in different industries.
- Improved Diagnostics – AI can drastically speed up the diagnostics process.
- Personalized Treatment – Artificial intelligence can provide personalized treatment recommendations.
- Drug Development – AI algorithms can scan troves of information to help develop drugs.
- Privacy Concerns – Systems can collect patient and doctor data without their permission.
- High Costs – Implementing an AI system might be too expensive for many hospitals.
- Potential Misdiagnosis – An AI machine may overlook certain aspects during diagnosis.
- Fraud Detection – AI-powered data collection and analysis is perfect for preventing financial fraud.
- Risk Assessment – Automated reports and monitoring expedite and optimize risk assessment.
- Algorithmic Trading – A computer can capitalize on specific market conditions automatically to increase profits.
- Job Displacement – Risk assessment professionals and other specialists could become obsolete due to AI.
- Ethical Concerns – Artificial intelligence may use questionable data collection practices.
- Security Risks – A cybercriminal can compromise an AI system of a bank, allowing them to steal customer data.
- Increased Efficiency – You can set product dimensions, weight, and other parameters automatically with AI.
- Reduced Waste – Artificial intelligence is more accurate than humans, reducing waste in manufacturing facilities.
- Improved Safety – Lower manual input leads to fewer workplace accidents.
- Job Displacement – AI implementation results in job loss in most fields. Manufacturing is no exception.
- High Initial Investment – Production companies typically need $200K+ to develop a tailor-made AI system.
- Dependence on Technology – AI manufacturing programs may require tweaks after some time, which is hard to do if you become overly reliant on the software.
- Personalized Learning – An AI program can recommend appropriate textbooks, courses, and other resources.
- Adaptive Assessments – AI-operated systems adapt to the learner’s needs for greater retention.
- Virtual Tutors – Schools can reduce labor costs with virtual tutors.
- Privacy Concerns – Data may be at risk in an AI classroom.
- Digital Divide – Some nations don’t have the same access to technology as others, leading to so-called digital divide.
- Loss of Human Interaction – Teachers empathize and interact with their learners on a profound level, which can’t be said for AI.
AI Is Mighty But Warrants Caution
People rely on AI for higher efficiency, productivity, innovation, and automation. At the same time, it’s expensive, raises unemployment, and causes many privacy concerns.
That’s why you should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence. Striking a balance between the good and bad sides is vital for effective yet ethical implementation.
If you wish to learn more about AI and its uses across industries, consider taking a course by renowned tech experts.

How do machine learning professionals make data readable and accessible? What techniques do they use to dissect raw information?
One of these techniques is clustering. Data clustering is the process of grouping items in a data set together. These items are related, allowing key stakeholders to make critical strategic decisions using the insights.
After preparing data, which is what specialists do 50%-80% of the time, clustering takes center stage. It forms structures other members of the company can understand more easily, even if they lack advanced technical knowledge.
Clustering in machine learning involves many techniques to help accomplish this goal. Here is a detailed overview of those techniques.
Clustering Techniques
Data science is an ever-changing field with lots of variables and fluctuations. However, one thing’s for sure – whether you want to practice clustering in data mining or clustering in machine learning, you can use a wide array of tools to automate your efforts.
Partitioning Methods
The first groups of techniques are the so-called partitioning methods. There are three main sub-types of this model.
K-Means Clustering
K-means clustering is an effective yet straightforward clustering system. To execute this technique, you need to assign clusters in your data sets. From there, define your number K, which tells the program how many centroids (“coordinates” representing the center of your clusters) you need. The machine then recognizes your K and categorizes data points to nearby clusters.
You can look at K-means clustering like finding the center of a triangle. Zeroing in on the center lets you divide the triangle into several areas, allowing you to make additional calculations.
And the name K-means clustering is pretty self-explanatory. It refers to finding the median value of your clusters – centroids.
K-Medoids Clustering
K-means clustering is useful but is prone to so-called “outlier data.” This information is different from other data points and can merge with others. Data miners need a reliable way to deal with this issue.
Enter K-medoids clustering.
It’s similar to K-means clustering, but just like planes overcome gravity, so does K-medoids clustering overcome outliers. It utilizes “medoids” as the reference points – which contain maximum similarities with other data points in your cluster. As a result, no outliers interfere with relevant data points, making this one of the most dependable clustering techniques in data mining.
Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
Fuzzy C-means clustering is all about calculating the distance from the median point to individual data points. If a data point is near the cluster centroid, it’s relevant to the goal you want to accomplish with your data mining. The farther you go from this point, the farther you move the goalpost and decrease relevance.
Hierarchical Methods
Some forms of clustering in machine learning are like textbooks – similar topics are grouped in a chapter and are different from topics in other chapters. That’s precisely what hierarchical clustering aims to accomplish. You can the following methods to create data hierarchies.
Agglomerative Clustering
Agglomerative clustering is one of the simplest forms of hierarchical clustering. It divides your data set into several clusters, making sure data points are similar to other points in the same cluster. By grouping them, you can see the differences between individual clusters.
Before the execution, each data point is a full-fledged cluster. The technique helps you form more clusters, making this a bottom-up strategy.
Divisive Clustering
Divisive clustering lies on the other end of the hierarchical spectrum. Here, you start with just one cluster and create more as you move through your data set. This top-down approach produces as many clusters as necessary until you achieve the requested number of partitions.
Density-Based Methods
Birds of a feather flock together. That’s the basic premise of density-based methods. Data points that are close to each other form high-density clusters, indicating their cohesiveness. The two primary density-based methods of clustering in data mining are DBSCAN and OPTICS.
DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications With Noise)
Related data groups are close to each other, forming high-density areas in your data sets. The DBSCAN method picks up on these areas and groups information accordingly.
OPTICS (Ordering Points to Identify the Clustering Structure)
The OPTICS technique is like DBSCAN, grouping data points according to their density. The only major difference is that OPTICS can identify varying densities in larger groups.
Grid-Based Methods
You can see grids on practically every corner. They can easily be found in your house or your car. They’re also prevalent in clustering.
STING (Statistical Information Grid)
The STING grid method divides a data point into rectangular grills. Afterward, you determine certain parameters for your cells to categorize information.
CLIQUE (Clustering in QUEst)
Agglomerative clustering isn’t the only bottom-up clustering method on our list. There’s also the CLIQUE technique. It detects clusters in your environment and combines them according to your parameters.
Model-Based Methods
Different clustering techniques have different assumptions. The assumption of model-based methods is that a model generates specific data points. Several such models are used here.
Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
The aim of Gaussian mixture models is to identify so-called Gaussian distributions. Each distribution is a cluster, and any information within a distribution is related.
Hidden Markov Models (HMM)
Most people use HMM to determine the probability of certain outcomes. Once they calculate the probability, they can figure out the distance between individual data points for clustering purposes.
Spectral Clustering
If you often deal with information organized in graphs, spectral clustering can be your best friend. It finds related groups of notes according to linked edges.
Comparison of Clustering Techniques
It’s hard to say that one algorithm is superior to another because each has a specific purpose. Nevertheless, some clustering techniques might be especially useful in particular contexts:
- OPTICS beats DBSCAN when clustering data points with different densities.
- K-means outperforms divisive clustering when you wish to reduce the distance between a data point and a cluster.
- Spectral clustering is easier to implement than the STING and CLIQUE methods.
Cluster Analysis
You can’t put your feet up after clustering information. The next step is to analyze the groups to extract meaningful information.
Importance of Cluster Analysis in Data Mining
The importance of clustering in data mining can be compared to the importance of sunlight in tree growth. You can’t get valuable insights without analyzing your clusters. In turn, stakeholders wouldn’t be able to make critical decisions about improving their marketing efforts, target audience, and other key aspects.
Steps in Cluster Analysis
Just like the production of cars consists of many steps (e.g., assembling the engine, making the chassis, painting, etc.), cluster analysis is a multi-stage process:
Data Preprocessing
Noise and other issues plague raw information. Data preprocessing solves this issue by making data more understandable.
Feature Selection
You zero in on specific features of a cluster to identify those clusters more easily. Plus, feature selection allows you to store information in a smaller space.
Clustering Algorithm Selection
Choosing the right clustering algorithm is critical. You need to ensure your algorithm is compatible with the end result you wish to achieve. The best way to do so is to determine how you want to establish the relatedness of the information (e.g., determining median distances or densities).
Cluster Validation
In addition to making your data points easily digestible, you also need to verify whether your clustering process is legit. That’s where cluster validation comes in.
Cluster Validation Techniques
There are three main cluster validation techniques when performing clustering in machine learning:
Internal Validation
Internal validation evaluates your clustering based on internal information.
External Validation
External validation assesses a clustering process by referencing external data.
Relative Validation
You can vary your number of clusters or other parameters to evaluate your clustering. This procedure is known as relative validation.
Applications of Clustering in Data Mining
Clustering may sound a bit abstract, but it has numerous applications in data mining.
- Customer Segmentation – This is the most obvious application of clustering. You can group customers according to different factors, like age and interests, for better targeting.
- Anomaly Detection – Detecting anomalies or outliers is essential for many industries, such as healthcare.
- Image Segmentation – You use data clustering if you want to recognize a certain object in an image.
- Document Clustering – Organizing documents is effortless with document clustering.
- Bioinformatics and Gene Expression Analysis – Grouping related genes together is relatively simple with data clustering.
Challenges and Future Directions
- Scalability – One of the biggest challenges of data clustering is expected to be applying the process to larger datasets. Addressing this problem is essential in a world with ever-increasing amounts of information.
- Handling High-Dimensional Data – Future systems may be able to cluster data with thousands of dimensions.
- Dealing with Noise and Outliers – Specialists hope to enhance the ability of their clustering systems to reduce noise and lessen the influence of outliers.
- Dynamic Data and Evolving Clusters – Updates can change entire clusters. Professionals will need to adapt to this environment to retain efficiency.
Elevate Your Data Mining Knowledge
There are a vast number of techniques for clustering in machine learning. From centroid-based solutions to density-focused approaches, you can take many directions when grouping data.
Mastering them is essential for any data miner, as they provide insights into crucial information. On top of that, the data science industry is expected to hit nearly $26 billion by 2026, which is why clustering will become even more prevalent.

Most people feel much better when they organize their personal spaces. Whether that’s an office, living room, or bedroom, it feels good to have everything arranged. Besides giving you a sense of peace and satisfaction, a neatly-organized space ensures you can find everything you need with ease.
The same goes for programs. They need data structures, i.e., ways of organizing data to ensure optimized processing, storage, and retrieval. Without data structures, it would be impossible to create efficient, functional programs, meaning the entire computer science field wouldn’t have its foundation.
Not all data structures are created equal. You have primitive and non-primitive structures, with the latter being divided into several subgroups. If you want to be a better programmer and write reliable and efficient codes, you need to understand the key differences between these structures.
In this introduction to data structures, we’ll cover their classifications, characteristics, and applications.
Primitive Data Structures
Let’s start our journey with the simplest data structures. Primitive data structures (simple data types) consist of characters that can’t be divided. They aren’t a collection of data and can store only one type of data, hence their name. Since primitive data structures can be operated (manipulated) directly according to machine instructions, they’re invaluable for the transmission of information between the programmer and the compiler.
There are four basic types of primitive data structures:
- Integers
- Floats
- Characters
- Booleans
Integers store positive and negative whole numbers (along with the number zero). As the name implies, integer data types use integers (no fractions or decimal points) to store precise information. If a value doesn’t belong to the numerical range integer data types support, the server won’t be able to store it.
The main advantages here are space-saving and simplicity. With these data types, you can perform arithmetic operations and store quantities and counts.
Floats are the opposite of integers. In this case, you have a “floating” number or a number that isn’t whole. They offer more precision but still have a high speed. Systems that have very small or extremely large numbers use floats.
Next, you have characters. As you may assume, character data types store characters. The characters can be a string of uppercase and/or lowercase single or multibyte letters, numbers, or other symbols that the code set “approves.”
Booleans are the third type of data supported by computer programs (the other two are numbers and letters). In this case, the values are positive/negative or true/false. With this data type, you have a binary, either/or division, so you can use it to represent values as valid or invalid.
Linear Data Structures
Let’s move on to non-primitive data structures. The first on our agenda are linear data structures, i.e., those that feature data elements arranged sequentially. Every single element in these structures is connected to the previous and the following element, thus creating a unique linear arrangement.
Linear data structures have no hierarchy; they consist of a single level, meaning the elements can be retrieved in one run.
We can distinguish several types of linear data structures:
- Arrays
- Linked lists
- Stacks
- Queues
Arrays are collections of data elements belonging to the same type. The elements are stored at adjoining locations, and each one can be accessed directly, thanks to the unique index number.
Arrays are the most basic data structures. If you want to conquer the data science field, you should learn the ins and outs of these structures.
They have many applications, from solving matrix problems to CPU scheduling, speech processing, online ticket booking systems, etc.
Linked Lists
Linked lists store elements in a list-like structure. However, the nodes aren’t stored at contiguous locations. Here, every node is connected (linked) to the subsequent node on the list with a link (reference).
One of the best real-life applications of linked lists is multiplayer games, where the lists are used to keep track of each player’s turn. You also use linked lists when viewing images and pressing right or left arrows to go to the next/previous image.
The basic principles behind stacks are LIFO (last in, first out) or FILO (first in, last out). These data structures stick to a specific order of operations and entering and retrieving information can be done only from one end. Stacks can be implemented through linked lists or arrays and are parts of many algorithms.
With stacks, you can evaluate and convert arithmetic expressions, check parentheses, process function calls, undo/redo your actions in a word processor, and much more.
In these linear structures, the principle is FIFO (first in, first out). The data the program stores first will be the first to process. You could say queues work on a first-come, first-served basis. Unlike stacks, queues aren’t limited to entering and retrieving information from only one end. Queues can be implemented through arrays, linked lists, or stacks.
There are three types of queues:
- Simple
- Circular
- Priority
You use these data structures for job scheduling, CPU scheduling, multiple file downloading, and transferring data.
Non-Linear Data Structures
Non-linear and linear data structures are two diametrically opposite concepts. With non-linear structures, you don’t have elements arranged sequentially. This means there isn’t a single sequence that connects all elements. In this case, you have elements that can have multiple paths to each other. As you can imagine, implementing non-linear data structures is no walk in the park. But it’s worth it. These structures allow multi-level storage (hierarchy) and offer incredible memory efficiency.
Here are three types of non-linear data structures we’ll cover:
- Trees
- Graphs
- Hash tables
Naturally, trees have a tree-like structure. You start at the root node, which is divided into other nodes, and end up with leaf modes. Every node has one “parent” but can have multiple “children,” depending on the structure. All nodes contain some type of data.
Tree structures provide easier access to specific data and guarantee efficiency.
Three structures are often used in game development and indexing databases. You’ll also use them in machine learning, particularly decision analysis.
The two most important elements of every graph are vertices (nodes) and edges. A graph is essentially a finite collection of vertices connected by edges. Although they may look simple, graphs can handle the most complex tasks. They’re used in operating systems and the World Wide Web.
You unconsciously use graphs with Google Maps. When you want to know the directions to a specific location, you enter it in the map. At that point, the location becomes the node, and the path that guides you is the edge.
Hash Tables
With hash tables, you store information in an associative manner. Every data value gets its unique index value, meaning you can quickly find exactly what you’re looking for.
This may sound complex, so let’s check out a real-life example. Think of a library with over 30,000 books. Every book gets a number, and the librarian uses this number when trying to locate it or learn more details about it.
That’s exactly how hash tables work. They make the search process and insertion much faster, which is why they have a wide array of applications.
Specialized Data Structures
When data structures can’t be classified as either linear or non-linear, they’re called specialized data structures. These structures have unique applications and principles and are used to represent specialized objects.
Here are three examples of these structures:
- Trie
- Bloom Filter
- Spatial Data
No, this isn’t a typo. “Trie” is derived from “retrieval,” so you can guess its purpose. A trie stores data which you can represent as graphs. It consists of nodes and edges, and every node contains a character that comes after the word formed by the parent node. This means that a key’s value is carried across the entire trie.
Bloom Filter
A bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure. You use it to analyze a set and investigate the presence of a specific element. In this case, “probabilistic” means that the filter can determine the absence but can result in false positives.
Spatial Data Structures
These structures organize data objects by position. As such, they have a key role in geographic systems, robotics, and computer graphics.
Choosing the Right Data Structure
Data structures can have many benefits, but only if you choose the right type for your needs. Here’s what to consider when selecting a data structure:
- Data size and complexity – Some data structures can’t handle large and/or complex data.
- Access patterns and frequency – Different structures have different ways of accessing data.
- Required data structure operations and their efficiency – Do you want to search, insert, sort, or delete data?
- Memory usage and constraints – Data structures have varying memory usages. Plus, every structure has limitations you’ll need to get acquainted with before selecting it.
Jump on the Data Structure Train
Data structures allow you to organize information and help you store and manage it. The mechanisms behind data structures make handling vast amounts of data much easier. Whether you want to visualize a real-world challenge or use structures in game development, image viewing, or computer sciences, they can be useful in various spheres.
As the data industry is evolving rapidly, if you want to stay in the loop with the latest trends, you need to be persistent and invest in your knowledge continuously.

From the local network you’re probably using to read this article to the entirety of the internet, you’re surrounded by computer networks wherever you go.
A computer network connects at least two computer systems using a medium. Sharing the same connection protocols, the computers within such networks can communicate with each other and exchange data, resources, and applications.
In an increasingly technological world, several types of computer network have become the thread that binds modern society. They differ in size (geographic area or the number of computers), purpose, and connection modes (wired or wireless). But they all have one thing in common: they’ve fueled the communication revolution worldwide.
This article will explore the intricacies of these different network types, delving into their features, advantages, and disadvantages.
Local Area Network (LAN)
Local Area Network (LAN) is a widely used computer network type that covers the smallest geographical area (a few miles) among the three main types of computer network (LAN, MAN, and WAN).
A LAN usually relies on wired connections since they are faster than their wireless counterparts. With a LAN, you don’t have to worry about external regulatory oversight. A LAN is a privately owned network.
Looking into the infrastructure of a LAN, you’ll typically find several devices (switches, routers, adapters, etc.), many network cables (Ethernet, fiber optic, etc.), and specific internet protocols (Ethernet, TCP/IP, Wi-Fi, etc.).
As with all types of computer network, a LAN has its fair share of advantages and disadvantages.
Users who opt for a LAN usually do so due to the following reasons:
- Setting up and managing a LAN is easy.
- A LAN provides fast data and message transfer.
- Even inexpensive hardware (hard disks, DVD-ROMs, etc.) can share a LAN.
- A LAN is more secure and offers increased fault tolerance than a WAN.
- All LAN users can share a single internet connection.
As for the drawbacks, these are some of the more concerning ones:
- A LAN is highly limited in geographical coverage. (Any growth requires costly infrastructure upgrades.)
- As more users connect to the network, it might get congested.
- A LAN doesn’t offer a high degree of privacy. (The admin can see the data files of each user.)
Regardless of these disadvantages, many people worldwide use a LAN. In computer networks, no other type is as prevalent. Look at virtually any home, office building, school, laboratory, hospital, and similar facilities, and you’ll probably spot a LAN.
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Do you want to experience a Wide Area Network (WAN) firsthand? Since you’re reading this article, you’ve already done so. That’s right. The internet is one of the biggest WANs in the world.
So, it goes without saying that a WAN is a computer network that spans a large geographical area. Of course, the internet is an outstanding example; most WANs are confined within the borders of a country or even limited to an enterprise.
Considering that a WAN needs to cover a considerable distance, it isn’t surprising it relies on connections like satellite links to transmit the data. Other components of a WAN include standard network devices (routers, modems, etc.) and network protocols (TCP/IP, MPLS, etc.).
The ability of a WAN to cover a large geographical area is one of its most significant advantages. But it’s certainly not the only one.
- A WAN offers remote access to shared software and other resources.
- Numerous users and applications can use a WAN simultaneously.
- A WAN facilitates easy communication between computers within the same network.
- With WAN, all data is centralized (no need to purchase separate backup servers, emails, etc.).
Of course, as with other types of computer network, there are some disadvantages to note.
- Setting up and maintaining a WAN is costly and challenging.
- Due to the higher distance, there can be some issues with the slower data transfer and delays.
- The use of multiple technologies can create security issues for the network. (A firewall, antivirus software, and other preventative security measures are a must.)
By now, you probably won’t be surprised that the most common uses of a WAN are dictated by its impressive size.
You’ll typically find WANs connecting multiple LANs, branches of the same institution (government, business, finance, education, etc.), and the residents of a city or a country (public networks, mobile broadband, fiber internet services, etc.).
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) interconnects different LANs to cover a larger geographical area (usually a town or a city). To put this into perspective, a MAN covers more than a LAN but less than a WAN.
A MAN offers high-speed connectivity and mainly relies on optical fibers. “Moderate” is the word that best describes a MAN’s data transfer rate and propagation delay.
You’ll need standard network devices like routers and switches to establish this network. As for transmission media, a MAN primarily relies on fiber optic cables and microwave links. The last component to consider is network protocols, which are also pretty standard (TCP/IP, Ethernet, etc.)
There are several reasons why internet users opt for a MAN in computer networks:
- A MAN can be used as an Internet Service Provider (ISP).
- Through a MAN, you can gain greater access to WANs.
- A dual connectivity bus allows simultaneous data transfer both ways.
Unfortunately, this network type isn’t without its flaws.
- A MAN can be expensive to set up and maintain. (For instance, it requires numerous cables.)
- The more users use a MAN, the more congestion and performance issues can ensue.
- Ensuring cybersecurity on this network is no easy task.
Despite these disadvantages, many government agencies fully trust MANs to connect to the citizens and private industries. The same goes for public services like high-speed DSL lines and cable TV networks within a city.
Personal Area Network (PAN)
The name of this network type will probably hint at how this network operates right away. In other words, a Personal Area Network (PAN) is a computer network centered around a single person. As such, it typically connects a person’s personal devices (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.) to the internet or a digital network.
With such focused use, geographical limits shouldn’t be surprising. A PAN covers only about 33 feet of area. To expand the reach of this low-range network, users employ wireless technologies (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.)
With these network connections and the personal devices that use the network out of the way, the only remaining components of a PAN are the network protocols it uses (TCP/IP, Bluetooth, etc.).
Users create these handy networks primarily due to their convenience. Easy setup, straightforward communications, no wires or cables … what’s not to like? Throw energy efficiency into the mix, and you’ll understand the appeal of PANs.
Of course, something as quick and easy as a PAN doesn’t go hand in hand with large-scale data transfers. Considering the limited coverage area and bandwidth, you can bid farewell to high-speed communication and handling large amounts of data.
Then again, look at the most common uses of PANs, and you’ll see that these are hardly needed. PANs come in handy for connecting personal devices, establishing an offline network at home, and connecting devices (cameras, locks, speakers, etc.) within a smart home setup.
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
You’ll notice only one letter difference between WLAN and LAN. This means that this network operates similarly to a LAN, but the “W” indicates that it does so wirelessly. It extends the LAN’s reach, making a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) ideal for users who hate dealing with cables yet want a speedy and reliable network.
A WLAN owes its seamless operation to network connections like radio frequency and Wi-Fi. Other components that you should know about include network devices (wireless routers, access points, etc.) and network protocols (TCP/IP, Wi-Fi, etc.).
Flexible. Reliable. Robust. Mobile. Simple. Those are just some adjectives that accurately describe WLANs and make them such an appealing network type.
Of course, there are also a few disadvantages to note, especially when comparing WLANs to LANs.
WLANs offer less capacity, security, and quality than their wired counterparts. They’re also more expensive to install and vulnerable to various interferences (physical objects obstructing the signal, other WLAN networks, electronic devices, etc.).
Like LANs, you will likely see WLANs in households, office buildings, schools, and similar locations.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
If you’re an avid internet user, you’ve probably encountered this scenario: you want to use public Wi-Fi but fear the consequences and stream specific content. Or this one may be familiar: you want to use apps, but they’re unavailable in your country. The solution for both cases is a VPN.
A Virtual Private Network, or VPN for short, uses tunneling protocols to create a private network over a less secure public network. You’ll probably have to pay to access a premium virtual connection, but this investment is well worth it.
A VPN provider typically offers servers worldwide, each a valuable component of a VPN. Besides the encrypted tunneling protocols, some VPNs use the internet itself to establish a private connection. As for network protocols, you’ll mostly see TCP/IP, SSL, and similar types.
The importance of security and privacy on the internet can’t be understated. So, a VPN’s ability to offer you these is undoubtedly its biggest advantage. Users are also fond of VPNs for unlocking geo-blocked content and eliminating pesky targeted ads.
Following in the footsteps of other types of computer network, a VPN also has a few notable flaws. Not all devices will support this network. Even when they do, privacy and security aren’t 100% guaranteed. Just think of how fast new cybersecurity threats emerge, and you’ll understand why.
Of course, these downsides don’t prevent numerous users from reaching for VPNs to secure remote access to the internet or gain access to apps hosted on proprietary networks. Users also use these networks to bypass censorship in their country or browse the internet anonymously.
Connecting Beyond Boundaries
Whether running a global corporation or wanting to connect your smartphone to the internet, there’s a perfect network among the above-mentioned types of computer network. Understanding the unique features of each network and their specific advantages and disadvantages will help you make the right choice and enjoy seamless connections wherever you are. Compare the facts from this guide to your specific needs, and you’ll pick the perfect network every time.

For most people, identifying objects surrounding them is an easy task.
Let’s say you’re in your office. You can probably casually list objects like desks, computers, filing cabinets, printers, and so on. While this action seems simple on the surface, human vision is actually quite complex.
So, it’s not surprising that computer vision – a relatively new branch of technology aiming to replicate human vision – is equally, if not more, complex.
But before we dive into these complexities, let’s understand the basics – what is computer vision?
Computer vision is an artificial intelligence (AI) field focused on enabling computers to identify and process objects in the visual world. This technology also equips computers to take action and make recommendations based on the visual input they receive.
Simply put, computer vision enables machines to see and understand.
Learning the computer vision definition is just the beginning of understanding this fascinating field. So, let’s explore the ins and outs of computer vision, from fundamental principles to future trends.
History of Computer Vision
While major breakthroughs in computer vision have occurred relatively recently, scientists have been training machines to “see” for over 60 years.
To do the math – the research on computer vision started in the late 1950s.
Interestingly, one of the earliest test subjects wasn’t a computer. Instead, it was a cat! Scientists used a little feline helper to examine how their nerve cells respond to various images. Thanks to this experiment, they concluded that detecting simple shapes is the first stage in image processing.
As AI emerged as an academic field of study in the 1960s, a decade-long quest to help machines mimic human vision officially began.
Since then, there have been several significant milestones in computer vision, AI, and deep learning. Here’s a quick rundown for you:
- 1970s – Computer vision was used commercially for the first time to help interpret written text for the visually impaired.
- 1980s – Scientists developed convolutional neural networks (CNNs), a key component in computer vision and image processing.
- 1990s – Facial recognition tools became highly popular, thanks to a shiny new thing called the internet. For the first time, large sets of images became available online.
- 2000s – Tagging and annotating visual data sets were standardized.
- 2010s – Alex Krizhevsky developed a CNN model called AlexNet, drastically reducing the error rate in image recognition (and winning an international image recognition contest in the process).
Today, computer vision algorithms and techniques are rapidly developing and improving. They owe this to an unprecedented amount of visual data and more powerful hardware.
Thanks to these advancements, 99% accuracy has been achieved for computer vision, meaning it’s currently more accurate than human vision at quickly identifying visual inputs.
Fundamentals of Computer Vision
New functionalities are constantly added to the computer vision systems being developed. Still, this doesn’t take away from the same fundamental functions these systems share.
Image Acquisition and Processing
Without visual input, there would be no computer vision. So, let’s start at the beginning.
The image acquisition function first asks the following question: “What imaging device is used to produce the digital image?”
Depending on the device, the resulting data can be a 2D, 3D image, or an image sequence. These images are then processed, allowing the machine to verify whether the visual input contains satisfying data.
Feature Extraction and Representation
The next question then becomes, “What specific features can be extracted from the image?”
By features, we mean measurable pieces of data unique to specific objects in the image.
Feature extraction focuses on extracting lines and edges and localizing interest points like corners and blobs. To successfully extract these features, the machine breaks the initial data set into more manageable chunks.
Object Recognition and Classification
Next, the computer vision system aims to answer: “What objects or object categories are present in the image, and where are they?”
This interpretive technique recognizes and classifies objects based on large amounts of pre-learned objects and object categories.
Image Segmentation and Scene Understanding
Besides observing what is in the image, today’s computer vision systems can act based on those observations.
In image segmentation, computer vision algorithms divide the image into multiple regions and examine the relevant regions separately. This allows them to gain a full understanding of the scene, including the spatial and functional relationships between the present objects.
Motion Analysis and Tracking
Motion analysis studies movements in a sequence of digital images. This technique correlates to motion tracking, which follows the movement of objects of interest. Both techniques are commonly used in manufacturing for monitoring machinery.
Key Techniques and Algorithms in Computer Vision
Computer vision is a fairly complex task. For starters, it needs a huge amount of data. Once the data is all there, the system runs multiple analyses to achieve image recognition.
This might sound simple, but this process isn’t exactly straightforward.
Think of computer vision as a detective solving a crime. What does the detective need to do to identify the criminal? Piece together various clues.
Similarly (albeit with less danger), a computer vision model relies on colors, shapes, and patterns to piece together an object and identify its features.
Let’s discuss the techniques and algorithms this model uses to achieve its end result.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
In computer vision, CNNs extract patterns and employ mathematical operations to estimate what image they’re seeing. And that’s all there really is to it. They continue performing the same mathematical operation until they verify the accuracy of their estimate.
Deep Learning and Transfer Learning
The advent of deep learning removed many constraints that prevented computer vision from being widely used. On top of that, (and luckily for computer scientists!), it also eliminated all the tedious manual work.
Essentially, deep learning enables a computer to learn about visual data independently. Computer scientists only need to develop a good algorithm, and the machine will take care of the rest.
Alternatively, computer vision can use a pre-trained model as a starting point. This concept is known as transfer learning.
Edge Detection and Feature Extraction Techniques
Edge detection is one of the most prominent feature extraction techniques.
As the name suggests, it can identify the boundaries of an object and extract its features. As always, the ultimate goal is identifying the object in the picture. To achieve this, edge detection uses an algorithm that identifies differences in pixel brightness (after transforming the data into a grayscale image).
Optical Flow and Motion Estimation
Optical flow is a computer vision technique that determines how each point of an image or video sequence is moving compared to the image plane. This technique can estimate how fast objects are moving.
Motion estimation, on the other hand, predicts the location of objects in subsequent frames of a video sequence.
These techniques are used in object tracking and autonomous navigation.
Image Registration and Stitching
Image registration and stitching are computer vision techniques used to combine multiple images. Image registration is responsible for aligning these images, while image stitching overlaps them to produce a single image. Medical professionals use these techniques to track the progress of a disease.
Applications of Computer Vision
Thanks to many technological advances in the field, computer vision has managed to surpass human vision in several regards. As a result, it’s used in various applications across multiple industries.
Robotics and Automation
Improving robotics was one of the original reasons for developing computer vision. So, it isn’t surprising this technique is used extensively in robotics and automation.
Computer vision can be used to:
- Control and automate industrial processes
- Perform automatic inspections in manufacturing applications
- Identify product and machine defects in real time
- Operate autonomous vehicles
- Operate drones (and capture aerial imaging)
Security and Surveillance
Computer vision has numerous applications in video surveillance, including:
- Facial recognition for identification purposes
- Anomaly detection for spotting unusual patterns
- People counting for retail analytics
- Crowd monitoring for public safety
Healthcare and Medical Imaging
Healthcare is one of the most prominent fields of computer vision applications. Here, this technology is employed to:
- Establish more accurate disease diagnoses
- Analyze MRI, CAT, and X-ray scans
- Enhance medical images interpreted by humans
- Assist surgeons during surgery
Entertainment and Gaming
Computer vision techniques are highly useful in the entertainment industry, supporting the creation of visual effects and motion capture for animation.
Good news for gamers, too – computer vision aids augmented and virtual reality in creating the ultimate gaming experience.
Retail and E-Commerce
Self-check-out points can significantly enhance the shopping experience. And guess what can help establish them? That’s right – computer vision. But that’s not all. This technology also helps retailers with inventory management, allowing quicker detection of out-of-stock products.
In e-commerce, computer vision facilitates visual search and product recommendation, streamlining the (often frustrating) online purchasing process.
Challenges and Limitations of Computer Vision
There’s no doubt computer vision has experienced some major breakthroughs in recent years. Still, no technology is without flaws.
Here are some of the challenges that computer scientists hope to overcome in the near future:
- The data for training computer vision models often lack in quantity or quality.
- There’s a need for more specialists who can train and monitor computer vision models.
- Computers still struggle to process incomplete, distorted, and previously unseen visual data.
- Building computer vision systems is still complex, time-consuming, and costly.
- Many people have privacy and ethical concerns surrounding computer vision, especially for surveillance.
Future Trends and Developments in Computer Vision
As the field of computer vision continues to develop, there should be no shortage of changes and improvements.
These include integration with other AI technologies (such as neuro-symbolic and explainable AI), which will continue to evolve as developing hardware adds new capabilities and capacities that enhance computer vision. Each advancement brings with it the opportunity for other industries (and more complex applications). Construction gives us a good example, as computer vision takes us away from the days of relying on hard hats and signage, moving us toward a future in which computers can actively detect, and alert site foremen too, unsafe behavior.
The Future Looks Bright for Computer Vision
Computer vision is one of the most remarkable concepts in the world of deep learning and artificial intelligence. This field will undoubtedly continue to grow at an impressive speed, both in terms of research and applications.
Are you interested in further research and professional development in this field? If yes, consider seeking out high-quality education in computer vision.
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