Adjusting to studying online is no easy task, especially if you’re used to a traditional classroom setting. But once you find your rhythm, you’ll realize that no traditional classroom can match the flexibility, convenience, and accessibility of online learning.

To help ease your success, Rosario Maccarrone, the Head of Student Services at the Open Institute of Technology, has compiled a detailed list of dos and don’ts of studying online. Stick to these guidelines, and you’ll excel at your studies as a full-time student or a working professional.

The Dos and Don’ts of Studying Online for Full-Time Students

Let’s say you’ve decided to commit to full-time online studies. Here’s what Rosario suggests for academic success.

The Dos

1. Find a Study Rhythm That Works for You

The best thing about studying online is that no one’s around to dictate your study schedule. It’s up to you to set your own learning pace and study hours. Find a steady study rhythm that aligns with your preferences, and your productivity will never falter.

2. Make a Schedule

Don’t get it twisted – a lack of a fixed class schedule doesn’t mean you should go without a schedule entirely. Keeping a schedule will help you stay organized, focused, and on track with your studies, which can be challenging when no one guides your daily routine. Your schedule should allocate time for classes (OPIT offers one live class per week for each course), revising, and, of course, taking it easy.

3. Keep a To-Do List

Just like a schedule, a to-do list can help you always stay on top of your game. Make it digital, and you can easily update it as you study or complete tasks on your computer.

4. Don’t Be Shy to Ask Questions

It’s perfectly OK to struggle with some parts of your online courses. However, it’s not OK to keep this to yourself out of shame or fear and struggle in silence. Your professors and tutors are there for you to guide you every step of the way. Remember this, and you’ll have no trouble asking questions when things get tricky.

5. Use All the Online Resources Your Program Offers

Just like your professors are there for you, so are the abundant online resources your university offers. Do a little research to get familiar with these resources and then make the most of them.

6. Collaborate With Your Classmates

You might not be able to see your peers in person, but you can—and should—communicate with them in a myriad of ways. Rosario suggests participating in chats during live sessions and taking advantage of every chance for group work. This will help you build a solid online community and nail your studies.

7. Join in on Online Campus Events

Studying is never just about learning. It’s also about meeting new people, making friends, and building a network. Online studying is no different; you’ll just do all of these incredible things online. So, make sure to keep up with your university’s virtual campus events and attend them to keep your studies (and life) more interesting.

8. Make a Study Spot

Let’s not sugarcoat it – learning from home often comes with a bunch of distractions. From your family talking in the background to the allure of your comfy bed, distractions are plenty. By making a designated study spot somewhere quiet, you’ll rid your study environment of disruptions and signal to your brain that it’s time to get down to work.

9. Take Care of Your Health

Taking care of your health is essential for excelling in all areas of life, and (online) studying is no different. So, remember to eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep to stay sharp. Exercising (or just moving continuously) is especially important given the nature of online studies.

The Don’ts

1. Procrastinate

Telling you not to procrastinate when studying is by no means revolutionary advice. However, avoiding procrastination can be extra challenging when studying online, given the lack of immediate supervision.

But putting off practice and leaving studying to the last second can only increase your anxiety levels and lead to lower grades (none of which will help you have a successful online studying experience).

2. Underestimate the Effort Online Classes Need

Some students operate under the assumption that online classes are less demanding than traditional ones. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Treating online classes with the same seriousness as in-person ones is the only way to succeed in your virtual academic journey.

3. Cut Yourself Off From Classmates and Professors

Online studying can feel rather isolating. That is – only if you let it. Online universities like OPIT offer numerous ways to stay in touch with your classmates and professors (e.g., Slack, Canvas discussions, and WhatsApp groups), and that’s precisely what you should do.

4. Hold Back From Asking for Help

This guide has already covered the importance of asking your professors questions. But if you feel stuck, don’t limit yourself to professors only. At OPIT, you can also ask your class coordinator or a tutor for help with anything course-related.

5. Neglect Taking Time Out for Yourself

Some students underestimate the effort necessary for online classes. At the same time, others go all out when presented with the seemingly endless possibilities of online learning. If you fall under the second category, don’t forget to take time out for yourself. This is as important as studying efficiently, as it allows you to prevent burnout.

6. Ignore Your Mental Health

Your mental health is just as important as your physical well-being. If you struggle emotionally, you should never ignore it. Your friends, family, or your university’s counseling services can help you find the best way forward. But first, you need to ask for help.

7. Miss Out on Making Connections With Peers

The beauty of online studying is the opportunity to meet new people from all over the world. OPIT alone has students from over 40 countries worldwide. Connect with them, and you’ll broaden your perspective while potentially forming meaningful connections.

Of course, you should also enjoy face-to-face interactions whenever possible.

The Dos and Don’ts of Studying Online for Working Students

Thanks to online studies, it’s never too late to go back to school. You can do so even after working for a few years, as this format allows you to pursue a new career path or enhance your skills while still earning an income.

Of course, you can also choose to work and study at the same time immediately after graduating from high school.

Whatever the case, here’s what Rosario suggests doing (and not doing).

The Dos

1. Balance Your Work and Study Time

When you have both work and studies, you must allocate your time wisely. Creating a realistic schedule that you can keep up with daily is step one.

2. Talk to Your Boss About Supporting Your Study Goals

Most bosses are highly supportive of their employees’ professional development. After all, your personal growth can only positively reflect on your company. So, don’t be afraid to talk to your boss about your studies.

With some luck, you’ll be able to schedule shifts around your classes, take days off for studying (or taking exams), and even study at work during downtime.

3. Strive for Flexibility at Work

If there’s one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, it’s that most jobs can be done from home (and done successfully). So, if possible, switch to working from home, as this will save you a lot of time. Just think of it this way – no more getting ready and commuting to and from work.

4. Connect With Colleagues in Similar Situations

Balancing work and studies can sometimes feel overwhelming. Connect with colleagues who are also going through the same thing (or did in the past), and you’ll get all the encouragement you need to keep pushing forward.

5. Grab Chances to Build Skills for Work and School

Let’s face it – most people study to be able to find a decent job. If you’re already working in your desired field – perfect! Seize every chance to apply your practical skills in your studies. Even if you aren’t currently working in your desired field, there are always skills you can learn to benefit your studies and current (and future) career.

6. Set Realistic Study Goals

Doing (or trying to do) too much can bring you no good. So, set realistic study goals that align with your work life. For instance, studying for three hours a day will be a Herculean task when working overtime but a breeze on your day off.

7. Talk to Your Professors

Just like you should let your boss know you’re studying, you should also inform your professors that you’re working. This way, they might be able to make some accommodations for you if your work is squeezing your study time.

8. Keep Your Study Area Separate

Let’s say you work from home. If so, make sure you have separate “work” and “study” areas. This will help you maintain a clear boundary between your professional and academic responsibilities.

9. Find Ways to Manage Stress

Juggling work and studying can be rather stressful. Finding a way (or ways) to manage this stress is critical to successfully keeping up with both responsibilities. Meditating, exercising, taking a walk, spending more time with friends, or taking up a hobby are just some of the methods that might work for you.

Taking regular breaks is also an excellent way to manage stress as well as remain focused on your work or studies.

The Don’ts

1. Let School Stress Affect Your Work Performance

If you’re already working in your dream field, remember that studying is only there to enhance your skills and knowledge. In other words, don’t let academic stress affect your work performance, as this can only jeopardize your future in your dream career. It’s all about prioritizing correctly.

2. Sacrifice Sleep or Good Health Habits

Juggling work and studies is no excuse to fall into bad health habits, including sacrificing sleep. Not only will this affect you physically and mentally, but it will also affect your performance in both fields. Talk about a lose-lose scenario!

3. Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Your support network is all you need to navigate any challenge effortlessly. And with both working and studies, you know you’ll have no shortage of those. So, don’t be afraid to ask for help from the people around you, whether to simply listen to you vent or help with a specific task.

4. Let Your Studies Take Over Your Personal Time

For most people, off time is a chance to rest and recharge. However, for students, a part of this time must be dedicated to studying. But the key word here is “part.” Don’t let your studies consume all of your personal time, as this is a one-way ticket to burnout.

5. Miss Out on Networking in Your Field

If there’s one piece of advice every university (online or offline) will give you, it is network, network, network. If you’re already working in your field, you’re in a unique position to do this even before completing your studies. So, take every chance to meet new people and open up new doors for your career.

6. Neglect Seeking Mutual Work-Study Benefits

Your job and studies can likely benefit each other in more ways than one. By neglecting to explore these avenues, you might miss out on valuable opportunities.

For instance, let’s say you’re getting your Bachelor’s degree in Digital Business from OPIT and working in social media management. Modules like “Digital Marketing” and “Digital Platforms and Ecosystems” could directly contribute to your role (and a promotion). At the same time, your practical experience will help you breeze through most of the course material.

This is just one of the ways your studies can open new doors at your work.

7. Overcommit Socially

Your time is precious. As much as it’s important not to use it solely for work and studying, it’s also crucial to not overcommit socially. Talk to your friends and family (especially those with no similar experiences) and set realistic expectations about your availability. Prioritize quality over quantity in your social interactions, and you’ll never feel like you’re missing out.

The Biggest Do: Study at OPIT

As you’ll learn from this list, everyone at OPIT knows what our students need to succeed on and off campus. And everyone at OPIT, from Rosario to your professors, is more than eager to support you in this journey. Apply to study at OPIT and experience what quality studies, academic assistance, and career guidance can do for you firsthand.

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Agenda Digitale: Generative AI in the Enterprise – A Guide to Conscious and Strategic Use
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OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
Mar 31, 2025 6 min read


By Zorina Alliata, Professor of Responsible Artificial Intelligence e Digital Business & Innovation at OPIT – Open Institute of Technology

Integrating generative AI into your business means innovating, but also managing risks. Here’s how to choose the right approach to get value

The adoption of generative AI in the enterprise is growing rapidly, bringing innovation to decision-making, creativity and operations. However, to fully exploit its potential, it is essential to define clear objectives and adopt strategies that balance benefits and risks.

Over the course of my career, I have been fortunate to experience firsthand some major technological revolutions – from the internet boom to the “renaissance” of artificial intelligence a decade ago with machine learning.

However, I have never seen such a rapid rate of adoption as the one we are experiencing now, thanks to generative AI. Although this type of AI is not yet perfect and presents significant risks – such as so-called “hallucinations” or the possibility of generating toxic content – ​​it fills a real need, both for people and for companies, generating a concrete impact on communication, creativity and decision-making processes.

Defining the Goals of Generative AI in the Enterprise

When we talk about AI, we must first ask ourselves what problems we really want to solve. As a teacher and consultant, I have always supported the importance of starting from the specific context of a company and its concrete objectives, without inventing solutions that are as “smart” as they are useless.

AI is a formidable tool to support different processes: from decision-making to optimizing operations or developing more accurate predictive analyses. But to have a significant impact on the business, you need to choose carefully which task to entrust it with, making sure that the solution also respects the security and privacy needs of your customers .

Understanding Generative AI to Adopt It Effectively

A widespread risk, in fact, is that of being guided by enthusiasm and deploying sophisticated technology where it is not really needed. For example, designing a system of reviews and recommendations for films requires a certain level of attention and consumer protection, but it is very different from an X-ray reading service to diagnose the presence of a tumor. In the second case, there is a huge ethical and medical risk at stake: it is necessary to adapt the design, control measures and governance of the AI ​​to the sensitivity of the context in which it will be used.

The fact that generative AI is spreading so rapidly is a sign of its potential and, at the same time, a call for caution. This technology manages to amaze anyone who tries it: it drafts documents in a few seconds, summarizes or explains complex concepts, manages the processing of extremely complex data. It turns into a trusted assistant that, on the one hand, saves hours of work and, on the other, fosters creativity with unexpected suggestions or solutions.

Yet, it should not be forgotten that these systems can generate “hallucinated” content (i.e., completely incorrect), or show bias or linguistic toxicity where the starting data is not sufficient or adequately “clean”. Furthermore, working with AI models at scale is not at all trivial: many start-ups and entrepreneurs initially try a successful idea, but struggle to implement it on an infrastructure capable of supporting real workloads, with adequate governance measures and risk management strategies. It is crucial to adopt consolidated best practices, structure competent teams, define a solid operating model and a continuous maintenance plan for the system.

The Role of Generative AI in Supporting Business Decisions

One aspect that I find particularly interesting is the support that AI offers to business decisions. Algorithms can analyze a huge amount of data, simulating multiple scenarios and identifying patterns that are elusive to the human eye. This allows to mitigate biases and distortions – typical of exclusively human decision-making processes – and to predict risks and opportunities with greater objectivity.

At the same time, I believe that human intuition must remain key: data and numerical projections offer a starting point, but context, ethics and sensitivity towards collaborators and society remain elements of human relevance. The right balance between algorithmic analysis and strategic vision is the cornerstone of a responsible adoption of AI.

Industries Where Generative AI Is Transforming Business

As a professor of Responsible Artificial Intelligence and Digital Business & Innovation, I often see how some sectors are adopting AI extremely quickly. Many industries are already transforming rapidly. The financial sector, for example, has always been a pioneer in adopting new technologies: risk analysis, fraud prevention, algorithmic trading, and complex document management are areas where generative AI is proving to be very effective.

Healthcare and life sciences are taking advantage of AI advances in drug discovery, advanced diagnostics, and the analysis of large amounts of clinical data. Sectors such as retail, logistics, and education are also adopting AI to improve their processes and offer more personalized experiences. In light of this, I would say that no industry will be completely excluded from the changes: even “humanistic” professions, such as those related to medical care or psychological counseling, will be able to benefit from it as support, without AI completely replacing the relational and care component.

Integrating Generative AI into the Enterprise: Best Practices and Risk Management

A growing trend is the creation of specialized AI services AI-as-a-Service. These are based on large language models but are tailored to specific functionalities (writing, code checking, multimedia content production, research support, etc.). I personally use various AI-as-a-Service tools every day, deriving benefits from them for both teaching and research. I find this model particularly advantageous for small and medium-sized businesses, which can thus adopt AI solutions without having to invest heavily in infrastructure and specialized talent that are difficult to find.

Of course, adopting AI technologies requires companies to adopt a well-structured risk management strategy, covering key areas such as data protection, fairness and lack of bias in algorithms, transparency towards customers, protection of workers, definition of clear responsibilities regarding automated decisions and, last but not least, attention to environmental impact. Each AI model, especially if trained on huge amounts of data, can require significant energy consumption.

Furthermore, when we talk about generative AI and conversational models , we add concerns about possible inappropriate or harmful responses (so-called “hallucinations”), which must be managed by implementing filters, quality control and continuous monitoring processes. In other words, although AI can have disruptive and positive effects, the ultimate responsibility remains with humans and the companies that use it.

Read the full article below (in Italian):

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Medium: First cohort of students set to graduate from Open Institute of Technology
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OPIT - Open Institute of Technology
Mar 31, 2025 4 min read


  • Medium, published on March 24th, 2025

By Alexandre Lopez

The first ever cohort will graduate from Open Institute of Technology (OPIT) on 8th March 2025, with 40 students receiving a Master of Science degree in Applied Data Science and AI.

OPIT was launched two years ago by renowned edtech entrepreneur Riccardo Ocleppo and Prof. Francesco Profumo (former minister of education in Italy), who witnessed the growing tech skills gap and wanted to combat it directly through creating a brand-new, accredited academic institution focused on innovative BSc and MSc degrees in the field of Technology.

The higher education institution has grown since its initial launch. Having started with just two degrees on offer — BSc in Modern Computer Science and an MSc in Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence — OPIT now offers two bachelor’s and four master’s degrees in a range of areas, such as Computer Science, Digital Business, Artificial Intelligence and Enterprise Cybersecurity.

Students at OPIT can learn from a wide range of professors who combine academic and professional expertise in software engineering, cloud computing, AI, cybersecurity, and much more. The institution operates on a fully remote system, with over 300 students tuning in from 78 countries around the world.

80% of OPIT’s students are already working professionals who are currently employed at top companies across many industries. They are in global tech firms like Accenture, Cisco, and Broadcom and financial companies such as UBS, PwC, Deloitte, and First Bank of Nigeria. Some are leading innovation at Dynatrace and Leonardo, while others focus on sustainability and social impact with Too Good To Go, Caritas, and the Pharo Foundation. From AI and software development to healthcare and international organizations like NATO and the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), OPIT alumni are making a real difference in the world.

OPIT is working on the development of the expansion of our current academic offerings, new courses, doctoral programs, applied research, and technology transfer initiatives with companies.

Once in the program, students have flexible options to complete their studies faster (by studying during the summer) or extend their studies longer than the standard duration. Every OPIT degree ends with a “capstone project”, providing them with real-life experiences in relevant businesses and industries. Some examples of capstone projects include “AI in Anti-Money Laundering: Leveraging AI to combat financial crime,” or “Predictive Modeling for Climate Disasters: Using AI to anticipate climate-related emergencies.”

The graduation on March 8th marks a pivotal moment for OPIT.

“The success of this first class of graduates marks a significant milestone for OPIT and reinforces our mission: to provide high-quality, globally accessible tech education that meets the ever-evolving demands of the job market,” said Riccardo Ocleppo, founder of OPIT.

“In just two years, we have built a dynamic and highly professional learning environment, attracting students from all over the world and connecting them with leading companies.”

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