- The Yuan, Published on October 25th, 2024.
By Zorina Alliata
ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has grown and developed into something much bigger than most people could have ever expected. Jokes about robots living among humans no longer seem so harmless, and the average person began to develop a new awareness of AI and all its uses. Unfortunately, however – as is often a human tendency – people became hyper-fixated on the negative aspects of AI, often forgetting about all the good it can do. One should therefore take a step back and remember that humanity is still only in the very early stages of developing real intelligence outside of the human brain, and so at this point AI is almost like a small child that humans are raising.
AI is still developing, growing, and adapting, and like any new tech it has its drawbacks. At one point, people had fears and doubts about electricity, calculators, and mobile phones – but now these have become ubiquitous aspects of everyday life, and it is not difficult to imagine a future in which this is the case for AI as well.
The development of AI certainly comes with relevant and real concerns that must be addressed – such as its controversial role in education, the potential job losses it might lead to, and its bias and inaccuracies. For every fear, however, there is also a ray of hope, and that is largely thanks to people and their ingenuity.
Looking at education, many educators around the world are worried about recent developments in AI. The frequently discussed ChatGPT – which is now on its fourth version – is a major red flag for many, causing concerns around plagiarism and creating fears that it will lead to the end of writing as people know it. This is one of the main factors that has increased the pessimistic reporting about AI that one so often sees in the media.
However, when one actually considers ChatGPT in its current state, it is safe to say that these fears are probably overblown. Can ChatGPT really replace the human mind, which is capable of so much that AI cannot replicate? As for educators, instead of assuming that all their students will want to cheat, they should instead consider the options for taking advantage of new tech to enhance the learning experience. Most people now know the tell-tale signs for identifying something that ChatGPT has written. Excessive use of numbered lists, repetitive language and poor comparison skills are just three ways to tell if a piece of writing is legitimate or if a bot is behind it. This author personally encourages the use of AI in the classes I teach. This is because it is better for students to understand what AI can do and how to use it as a tool in their learning instead of avoiding and fearing it, or being discouraged from using it no matter the circumstances.
Educators should therefore reframe the idea of ChatGPT in their minds, have open discussions with students about its uses, and help them understand that it is actually just another tool to help them learn more efficiently – and not a replacement for their own thoughts and words. Such frank discussions help students develop their critical thinking skills and start understanding their own influence on ChatGPT and other AI-powered tools.
By developing one’s understanding of AI’s actual capabilities, one can begin to understand its uses in everyday life. Some would have people believe that this means countless jobs will inevitably become obsolete, but that is not entirely true. Even if AI does replace some jobs, it will still need industry experts to guide it, meaning that entirely new jobs are being created at the same time as some older jobs are disappearing.
Adapting to AI is a new challenge for most industries, and it is certainly daunting at times. The reality, however, is that AI is not here to steal people’s jobs. If anything, it will change the nature of some jobs and may even improve them by making human workers more efficient and productive. If AI is to be a truly useful tool, it will still need humans. One should remember that humans working alongside AI and using it as a tool is key, because in most cases AI cannot do the job of a person by itself.
Is AI biased?
Why should one view AI as a tool and not a replacement? The main reason is because AI itself is still learning, and AI-powered tools such as ChatGPT do not understand bias. As a result, whenever ChatGPT is asked a question it will pull information from anywhere, and so it can easily repeat old biases. AI is learning from previous data, much of which is biased or out of date. Data about home ownership and mortgages, e.g., are often biased because non-white people in the United States could not get a mortgage until after the 1960s. The effect on data due to this lending discrimination is only now being fully understood.
AI is certainly biased at times, but that stems from human bias. Again, this just reinforces the need for humans to be in control of AI. AI is like a young child in that it is still absorbing what is happening around it. People must therefore not fear it, but instead guide it in the right direction.
For AI to be used as a tool, it must be treated as such. If one wanted to build a house, one would not expect one’s tools to be able to do the job alone – and AI must be viewed through a similar lens. By acknowledging this aspect of AI and taking control of humans’ role in its development, the world would be better placed to reap the benefits and quash the fears associated with AI. One should therefore not assume that all the doom and gloom one reads about AI is exactly as it seems. Instead, people should try experimenting with it and learning from it, and maybe soon they will realize that it was the best thing that could have happened to humanity.
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